Modifications reserved Page 25/71OPM_SGS_USM_M75_M75_2US_V010.doc User Manual SG Series 750 UL S2 & SG Series 750 T12 UL S26.2 METERINGThe METERING mode is entered any time the “METER” button is pressed.The LCD screen will indicate a series of screenshots showing the measures of all electric parameters likeAC, DC and various statistics.In this mode the buttons perform the following functions:Return to HOME screen.Scrolls backward to the previous screen.Scrolls forward to the next screen.It is possible to view any pushbutton functional description by pushing the button for more than 3seconds.`Home\MeterBATTERYV 545 VI 125.0 AT +25° CCharge level 80 %Autonomy 12 MinBattery data screenV The battery voltage.I The battery current (negative values correspond tothe discharge of the battery).T The temperature of the battery (“SENSOR DISABLE”indicates sensor disabled).Charge level The battery charge level.Autonomy The estimated backup time with thepresent load.`Home\MeterRECTIFIERf : 60.0 HzL12 : 480 V Vdc : 540 VL23 : 480 V Idc1 : 250.0 AL31 : 480 V Idc2 : 250.0 ARectifier utility data screenf The input frequency of the rectifier.L12L23 The voltage levels between the three phases (line-L31 to-line).Vdc Rectifier voltage output.Idc1 Output current 1st Rectifier bridge.Idc2 Output current 2nd Rectifier bridge.`Home\MeterUTILITYf 60 HzL1 275 VL2 279 VL3 276 VBYPASS FREEBypass utility data screenf The frequency of the utility.L1L2 3-phase utility voltage PHASE /NEUTRAL.L3Bypass Bypass status: FREE / LOCKED.