Modifications reserved Page 52/71OPM_SGS_USM_M75_M75_2US_V010.doc User Manual SG Series 750 UL S2 & SG Series 750 T12 UL S27.1.5 Restore to normal operation after “Load Off”NOTE !Make sure the UPS to be status of the activation of “Load Off”, i. e. UPS OutputSwitch Q1 closed (Pos. I), External Maintenance Bypass Switch (option) open (Pos. O)and the Battery Circuit Breaker connected (Pos. I).If eBoost™ option is available, make sure that eBoost™ Operation mode is disabledbefore starting this procedure.View of the Synoptic Diagram after pressing the “LoadOff” key.• All Contactors are open.• Rectifier, Inverter and Static-Switch shutdown.• LED Alarm is lit.`Home\CommandsCOMMANDSRESET TOTAL OFFREQUEST LOAD OFFV 1. Reset “Load Off”.Restore the command “Load Off” by entering thescreen: COMMANDS / RESET TOTAL OFFThe Load is supplied by the Utility through the AutomaticBypass.Rectifier starts automatically, blinking LED 3 (Rectifier ON)indicates Soft-start.At the end of Soft-start the LED 3 (Rectifier ON) remains lit.The Synoptic Diagram must display the status “LOADSUPPLIED BY AUTOMATIC BYPASS”.2. Insert the Inverter by pressing the “Inverter ON” ( I ) key.Soft-start of Inverter indicated with blinking LED 5 (Inverter available).At the end of Soft-start the LED 5 (Inverter available) remains lit.Automatic transfer from Automatic bypass to Inverter.LED Alarm turn Off and the LED Operation must be lit.The Synoptic Diagram must display the status “LOADSUPPLIED BY INVERTER”.END OF PROCEDURE