3-8 D60 Line Distance Relay GE Multilin3.2 WIRING 3 HARDWARE3Figure 3ñ9: CONTROL POWER CONNECTION3.2.4 CT/VT MODULESA CT/VT module may have voltage inputs on Channels 1 through 4 inclusive, or Channels 5 through 8 inclusive. Channels1 and 5 are intended for connection to Phase A, and are labeled as such in the relay. Channels 2 and 6 are intended forconnection to Phase B, and are labeled as such in the relay. Channels 3 and 7 are intended for connection to Phase C andare labeled as such in the relay. Channels 4 and 8 are intended for connection to a single phase source. If voltage, thischannel is labelled the auxiliary voltage (VX). If current, this channel is intended for connection to a CT between a systemneutral and ground, and is labelled the ground current (IG).a) CT INPUTSVERIFY THAT THE CONNECTION MADE TO THE RELAY NOMINAL CURRENT OF 1 A OR 5 A MATCHESTHE SECONDARY RATING OF THE CONNECTED CTs. UNMATCHED CTs MAY RESULT IN EQUIPMENTDAMAGE OR INADEQUATE PROTECTION.The CT/VT module may be ordered with a standard ground current input that is the same as the phase current inputs (Type8F) or with a sensitive ground input (Type 8G) which is 10 times more sensitive (see the Technical Specifications section foradditional details). Each AC current input has an isolating transformer and an automatic shorting mechanism that shorts theinput when the module is withdrawn from the chassis. There are no internal ground connections on the current inputs. Cur-rent transformers with 1 to 50000 A primaries and 1 A or 5 A secondaries may be used.CT connections for both ABC and ACB phase rotations are identical as shown in the Typical Wiring Diagram.b) VT INPUTSThe phase voltage channels are used for most metering and protection purposes. The auxiliary voltage channel is used asinput for the Synchrocheck and Volts/Hertz features.Substitute the tilde ì~î symbol with the slot position of the module in the following figures.Figure 3ñ10: CT/VT MODULE WIRINGCAUTION827831AA-X5.CDR