2K249 Issue No. 4INTRODUCTION Summary of FunctionsUsing This GuideThe following key symbols are used in the procedure diagrams which followShaded cursor keys indicate that a combination of thesefour keys, Up, Down, Left and Right should be used to (e.g.)enter an alpha numeric value or to select a function.Indicates the ENTER key. Used to confirm an operation or aselection. Shading indicates key operation.Exit key, used to clear current menu selection and return tonext menu level above current level. Used as an escape keyfrom current operation. Shading indicates key operation.Hardkey (total 7). Legend beside key symbol indicatesfunction. Shading indicates key operation.Maximum Instrument RatingsThe following table shows the maximum measurement input ratings of theinstrument which should not be exceeded.PRESSURE 120% FULL SCALEVOLTAGE 30 V d.c.CURRENT 55 mA d.c.Note 1: The display flashes if the input pressure, voltage or current overrange.Note 2: Max applied voltage for external loop supply = 30V dc (see Page 8).