15 K249 Issue No. 4EnglishExternal Pressure Source(Indicator Only)PressureRegulatorTEST UNIT(Dial Gauge)PRESSURE INT barF2F1DISPLAYCHANGEVALUETASK : P-DISPLAYSNAPSHOT MODEmax 30VDPI 615 ISTaking MeasurementsPressure to Display (P-DISPLAY) TaskP-Display is a special application of Datalog. To use this mode, select Datalogfrom the Store Mode menu as detailed on Page 36. Connect the device under testto the instrument as shown below and, if required, turn on and set-up Cal Mode(see page 11).ï After logging final test point, terminate as follows (e.g.),ï Press TASK and select P-DISPLAY. If required, use OUTPUT key to changepressure units.ï Set-up a datalog file as detailed on Page 30.Note: TRIGGER f ield, automatically set to KEYPRESS, cannot be changed.ï Apply a series of test pressures to the device under test. Enter displayedreading at each pressure and log each point (e.g.),