12K249 Issue No. 4Pressure Transmitter (P-I) TaskSelect the P-I task from the task menu and connect the Unit Under Test (UUT) tothe calibrator as shown below.Taking Measurementsï If required, select the output units as described on page 10.ï If applicable, turn on Cal Mode and set-up test parameters as detailed onpage 11.Voltage Output Pressure Transmitter (P-V) TaskSelect the P-V task from the task menu and connect the Unit Under Test (UUT) tothe calibrator as shown below.PIExt Press. Source(Indicator Only)PressureRegulatorPRESSURE INT barCURRENT mAF2F1+ +--BARRIERSAFESAFEEXTSUPPLYmax 30VTASK : P-ISNAPSHOT MODEDPI 615 ISï If required, select the output units as described on page 10.ï If applicable, turn on Cal Mode and set-up test parameters as detailed onpage 11.PRESSURE INT barVOLTAGEF2F1VPV-+CURRENT PRESSUREUNITSExt Press. Source(Indicator Only)PressureRegulator Max 30VCAT II-+ +--BARRIERSAFESAFEEXTSUPPLYTASK: BASICDPI 615 IS