15Error CodesSSD Error Name Error Set Condition Error Clear Conditions Error Response Action000 No Error No Errors001 Inlet ThermistorShortInlet Thermistor’scount of low readingsexceeds 10.Inlet Thermistor’s countof good readings exceeds10.Run Heat Control FallbackAlgorithm.002 Outlet ThermistorShortOutlet Thermistor’scount of low readingsexceeds 10.Outlet Thermistor’s countof good readings exceeds10.Run Heat Control FallbackAlgorithm.003 Inlet ThermistorOpenInlet Thermistor’scount of high readingsexceeds 10.Inlet Thermistor’s countof good readings exceeds10.Run Heat ControlFallback Algorithm.004 Outlet ThermistorOpenOutlet Thermistor’scount of high readingsexceeds 10.Outlet Thermistor’s countof good readings exceeds10.Run Heat ControlFallback Algorithm.005 EEPROM Error Bad CRC Detectedwhen reading apage from EEPROM.Error condition clearswhen EEPROM checksumis right.006 Stuck Button Button depressed for 5minutes.When the button is re-leased.Cleared when stuck but-ton is released.007 Miswire L2/N are miswired. Cleared when voltagedrops to Normal Levels.L2 and N need to be re-wired.008 Door Switch Stuck 5 cycles are run andthe DOOR_LATCH_SIG-NAL has not goneopen.DOOR_LATCH_SIGNALgoes to open.009 Drum Motor Centrifugal Switch doesnot change within acertain period of timeafter the Drum Motorrelay has been turnedRQRURȺError condition will notclear until Main Controlboard sees a change inthe centrifugal switch.00d Door Signal Stuck 5 cycles are run andthe DOOR_STATEsignal in the hardwareDoor Switch DetectionCircuit, has not goneRSHQIRU¿YHF\FOHVError condition will notclear until the Main Con-trol Board sees the doorswitch change.Micro Blackout Recoveryto Run will not occur if thiserror is set, and controlwill go to pause.