2710. Remove any wire harness attachments on thepanel being removed.11. Remove the vent duct.12. Lay unit on the side opposite of the side panelthat's being replaced.13. Remove the riser mounting bolts and remove theriser.14. While the unit is still laying on its side, removethe rear drum support screws on the side of thepanel that's being replaced15. 5HPRYHWKH¿YHLQKH[VFUHZVIURPWKHERW-tom of the side panel.1/4"1/4"1/4"1/4"1/4"16. Remove the one Phillips screw on the bottomfront of the side panel, then remove the panel.17. Transfer all alignment pins and mounting clips tothe new panel.Riser AssemblyThe riser is an integrated part of the dryer, and cannot be permanently removed. The purpose of theriser is to add an additional 7 inches of height to thedryer.The riser components can be replaced separately oras a complete assembly.Riser Front Panel Removal1. Tilt the dryer back and install prop blocks.2. Remove the 3 1/4 in. hex screws on the bottomof the riser front panel.1/4" hex 1/4" hex 1/4" hex3. Remove the prop blocks.4. Slide the riser front panel slightly to the left todisengage the key hole tabs.TabTabTabTabRiser Removal1. Disconnect the power, water supply and gas (gasunits) from unit and move the dryer to an areathat allows room to access the front and backside of the dryer.2. Remove the control panel.3. Remove the front panel.4. Remove the rear panel.5. Lay the unit on its side and remove the four risermounting bolts.See Rear Panel Removal on page 26.See Riser Removal on page 27.See Control Panel Removal on page 20.See Front Panel Removal on page 24.See Rear Panel Removal on page 26.9/16 hex9/16 hex9/16 hex9/16 hex