Installation PreparationPREPARE DISHWASHER ENCLOSUREtoFloor°SquareandPlumbFigure 1FloorMUSTbeEvenwith PlumbingandElectricServiceRoomFloor. MustEnterShadedAreao Therough cabinetopeningmustbe at least 24"deepand23-5/8'% 24" Wide.The openingshouldbeto 35"max.height.• Thedishwashermustbe installedso that drain hoseisno morethan 10feet inlength for proper drainage.• Thedishwashermustbe fully enclosedon the top,sidesand back,and mustnot support anypart oftheenclosure.CLEARANCES:Wheninstalled into a corner,allow 2"min. clearancebetween dishwasher andadjacent cabinet, wal! orother appliances. Allow25-5/8"min. clearancefrom the front of thedishwasher for dooropening. Figure 2-- Figure 2DRAIN REQUIREMENTSFollow localcodes andordinances.eDo not exceed10 feetdistanceto drain.oDo not connect drainlines from other devicesto the dishwasherdrain hose.oDishwashermustbe connectedto waste linewith anair gap(not supplied)or 32" minimumhigh drainloop,dependingon local codesandordinancesto preventback flow into the dishwasher._Air gap mustbe usedif waste tee or disposerconnec-tion is lessthan 18"abovethe floor to preventsiphoning.DRAIN PREPARATIONThe type of drain installation depends on answers tothe following questions:Do local codes or ordinances require an air gap?Will waste tee or disposer connection be less than18"above the floor?Will installation have a drain loop less than 32"above floor?If the answer to ANY of the 3 questions above is YES,Method 1 MUST be used. Otherwise either Method 1or Method 2 may be used. Figure 3 or Figure 4.CAUTION:Method1 Air Gapwith WasteTeeor DisposerFigure 3Method2 HighDrainwith WasteTeeor DisposerProvidea methodto attach drain hoseto undersideof countertop.Figure 4Install waste tee or disposerand air gapaccordingtoManufacturer'_ instructions.An air gapMUSTBEUSEDif the drainhoseis connectedto waste tee or disposerlower than 18"abovethe floor.Failureto providethe proper drainconnection heightwithair gapor 32" minimum,high drainloopwill resultin improperdrainingof the dishwasher.CABINET PREPARATION• Drill a 1-1/2"dia.Hole in the cabinet wall within theshadedareas shown in Figure1 for the drain hoseconnection.Thehole shouldbe smoothwith no sharpedges.