DIAGNOSTIC STATUS CODESSX TRANSISTOR CONTROL Page 19April 1999TRACTIONSTATUS CODEDESCRIPTION OF STATUS CAUSE OF STATUS INDICATION-08 Accelerator input voltage too low onpower up after initial key switchclosure.This status code will be displayed when theaccelerator input voltage at P7 is less than 3.0 volts,and any of the following connections are opened andclosed: battery plug or key switch.MEMORY RECALLNO CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING DIAGRAMCircuits validforTractionControllerSYMPTOMControl will not operate.POSSIBLE CAUSEAccelerator input mis-adjusted or defective.•= Input voltage at P7 should be more than 3.0volts. Adjust or replace accelerator unit toinsure that the voltage at P7 is more than 3.0volts before depressing pedal.Short circuit between battery negative and TB1in accelerator input circuit.•= Disconnect wire from P7. Check for shortcircuit from wire to battery negative.Resistance should be greater than 4.7K ohms.Defective control.•= Disconnect wire from P7. Measure voltagefrom TB1 to negative. Voltage should begreater than 4.5 volts, if not, replace control.P7 P8ACC POTP9 P7 P8ACC POTTRACTIONSTATUS CODEDESCRIPTION OF STATUS CAUSE OF STATUS INDICATION-09 The travel enable switch is open andthe directional switch is closed.This status code will be displayed when P5 is lessthan 12% of battery volts and P4 is greater than 12%of battery volts.MEMORY RECALLNO CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING DIAGRAMCircuits validforTractionControllerSYMPTOMControl will not operate.POSSIBLE CAUSEForward or reverse directional switch weldedclosed or mis-adjusted to be held closed.•= Replace or adjust directional switches toinsure that they open when directional switchis returned to neutral.Short circuit between battery positive and P4and/or P5.•= Disconnect wires from P4 and P5 and checkwire for short circuit to positive side ofdirectional switch.Defective Control•= Disconnect wires and measure voltage at P4and P5. Voltage should be less than 60% ofbattery volts.KEYSWITCHP1 P2 P3P17 P5 TRAVEL ENABLE SW.DIRECTIONAL SW.P4FOOT SW.P6LBOOM SW. JACK RABBIT SW.