DIAGNOSTIC STATUS CODESSX TRANSISTOR CONTROL Page 28April 1999TRACTIONSTATUS CODEDESCRIPTION OF STATUS CAUSE OF STATUS INDICATION-76 Capacitor (1C) voltage too high. This status code will be displayed when the voltageon the capacitor goes above limit voltage* during theregenerative braking cycle.MEMORY RECALLYES CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING DIAGRAMCircuits validforTractionControllerSYMPTOMLine contactor opens and closes, then opensand can only close by opening and closing thekey switch.POSSIBLE CAUSE•= Unplugging the battery connector duringregenerative braking.•= Line contactor bouncing open during regen.•= Main power fuse opening during regen.•= Intermittent battery plug connection.* Limit Voltage:Limit Battery Voltage50V 36V70V 48V96V 72//80VKEY SWITCHLP1 P17 P2 P6 FOOT SW.P181A ORSP DVRLEFT CONTROL (MASTER)P12 LEFT TURN SW.BP10312FU3DRIVERBLOCKFU1LINE+12VP21 P11RIGHTCONTROL(SLAVE)POWER CONNECTIONSLEFT CONTROLPOS A1 F1NEG A2 F2FIELDARMATURE+--48VTRACTIONSTATUS CODEDESCRIPTION OF STATUS CAUSE OF STATUS INDICATION-77 Motor current is detected duringregenerative braking.This status code will be displayed when motoringcurrent is detected during the regen braking cycle.MEMORY RECALLYES CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING DIAGRAMCircuits validforTractionControllerSYMPTOMLine contactor opens and closes, then opensand can only close by opening and closing thekey switch.POSSIBLE CAUSEDefective control.•= Replace controller unitKEY SWITCHLP1 P17 P2 P6 FOOT SW.P181A ORSP DVRLEFT CONTROL (MASTER)P12 LEFT TURN SW.BP10312FU3DRIVERBLOCKFU1LINE+12VP21 P11RIGHTCONTROL(SLAVE)POWER CONNECTIONSLEFT CONTROLPOS A1 F1NEG A2 F2FIELDARMATURE+--48V