Using the timed baking and roasting features. (lowerovenonlyJ GEAppliances.comNOTE: Foods that spoil easily-such as milk, eggs, fish, stu_ngs, poultry and pork-should not be allowed to sit for morethan 1 hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the ovenlight is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.I Iil } iD I-qo,:DCOOKING[E53N NN Uo!NHow to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic StopThe upper oven will turn on immediately andcook for a selected length of time. At the endof the cooking time, the oven will turn offautomatically.[] Touch the Bake pad.[] Touch the number pads to set the desiredoven temperature._l Touch the Cooking Time pad.NOTE:If your recipe requires preheating, youmay need to add additional time to the lengthof the cooking time.[] Touch the number pads to set the desiredlength of cooking time. The minimumcooking time you can set is 1 minute.The oven temperature that you set andthe cooking time that you entered will bein the display.r51 Touch the Start pad.The oven will turn ON, and the display willshow the cooking time countdown and thechanging temperature starting at IO0°F.(Thetemperature display will start to change oncethe oven temperature reaches IO0°F.)Whenthe oven reaches the temperature you set, 3beeps will sound.The oven will continue to cook for the setamount of time, then turn off automatically.After the oven turns off, the end-of-cycle tonewill sound.[] Touch the Clear/Offpad to clear thedisplay if necessary. Removethe foodfrom the oven. Remember, even thoughthe oven turns off automatically, food leftin the oven will continue cooking after theoven turns off.Fqrq EUI COOmNGID D D Uo,,DI DELAYIDDDDo,DHow to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic StopTheupperovenwillturn on at the time of dayyouset,cookfor a specificlengthof time and thenturnoff automatically.Hakesurethe clockshowsthe correcttime of day.TouchtheBakepad.Touchthe numberpadsto set the desiredoventemperature.[] TouchtheCookingTime pad.NOTE:lfyour reciperequirespreheating,you mayneedto addadditionaltimeto the lengthof thecookingtime.NOTE:An attentiontonewillsoundifyou areusingtimedbakingand do not touchtheStart pod.NOTE:lfyou would like to check the times you haveset, touch the DelayStart pad to check the starttime you have set or touch the Cooking Time pad tocheck the length of cooking timeyou have set.Whenthe oventurnsONat the time of dayyouset,the displaywillshow the cookingtime countdownand the changingtemperaturestartingat IO0°F.(Thetemperaturedisplaywill startto changeoncethe oventemperaturereachesIO0°F.)Whentheovenreachesthe temperatureyou set,beepswillsound.@@Touchthe numberpadsto set the desiredlengthof cookingtime.Theminimumcookingtimeyou canset is 1 minute.Theoventemperaturethat you setand thecookingtime that you enteredwill be in thedisplay.TouchtheDelay Start pad.Touchthe numberpadsto set the time of dayyou want the ovento turn on and startcooking.Theovenwillcontinueto cookfor the set amountoftime,then turn off automatically.Afterthe oventurns off,the end-of-cycletone willsound.[] Touchthe Clear/Offpadto clearthe displayifnecessary.Removethe foodfrom the oven.Remember,eventhough theoventurns offautomatically,food left in the ovenwillcontinuecookingafter the oventurns off.[Z] TouchtheStart pad. 15