Using the self-cleaning upper and lower ovens.The oven door must be closed and all controls set correctly for the cycle to work properly.SELFCLEANF1 DNOTES:The surface burners mustbe turened off prior to theself-cleon start timeBoth ovens cannot be self-cleaned at the same time.Cooktop burners and the ovennot in self-cleon mode will notstart during self-clean cycle.How to Set the Lower Oven for Cleaning[] Touch the Self Clean pad.[] Using the number pads, enter the desiredclean time, if a time other than 4 hours isneeded.Clean cycle time is normally 4 hours. You canchange the clean time to any time between3 hours and 5 hours, depending on how dirtyyour oven is.[] Touch the Start pad.Doors will lock automatically. The display willshow the clean time remaining. If the upperdoor is nat lacked and remaining clean timeis not displayed, within 1 minute of initiatingthe cyclerotate the knob to the Off positioinand open both doors for 10 minutes. Repeatstep 1. It will not be possible to open the ovendoor until the temperature drops below thelock temperature and the LOCKEDDOOR lightgoes off.The oven shuts off automatically when theclean cycle is complete.[] When the LOCKEDDOOR light isoff, thedoor will unlock automatically.[-_ Rotate knob to the off positionThe words LOCKDOOR will flash and theoven control will signal if you set the cleancycle and forget to close the oven door.To stop a clean cycle, touch the Clear/Offpad then turn the oven control knob to theOFF position. After some period of time, theLOCKEDDOOR light will go off. This willindicate that the oven has cooled belowthe locking temperature and gas is able toflow to the cooktop. The doors will unlockautomatically..After you complete the first oven clean cycleyou can start the second oven clean cycle.SELFCLEANDELAYSTARTI STARTHow to Delay the Start of Cleaning (lower oven onlyJHake sure the clock shows the correct timeof day.171 Touch the Self Clean pad.NOTE:Thesurface burners will be turned offautomatically when self-cleancycle starts.r_ using the number pads, enter the desiredclean time.Touch the Delay Start pad. The earlieststart time you can set will appear in thedisplay.r_ using the number pads, enter the time ofday you want the clean cycle to start.[_] Touch the Start pad.Doors will lock automatically. The display willshow the start time. It will not be possible toopen the oven door until the temperature dropsbelow the lock temperature and the LOCKEDDOOR light goes off.The oven shuts off automatically when theclean cycle is complete.[] The doors will unlock automatically.Thewords LOCKDOORwill flash and theoven control will signal if you set the cleancycle and forget to close the oven door.To stop a clean cycle, touch the Clear/Offpad. After some period of time, the LOCKEDDOOR light will go off. This will indicatethat the oven has cooled below the lockingtemperature and gas is able to flow to thecooktop. The doors will unlock automatically.28After a Clean CycleYou may notice some white ash in the oven.Wipe it up with a damp cloth after the ovencools.If white spots remain, remove them with asoap-filled scouring pad and rinse thoroughlywith a vinegar and water mixture.These deposits are usually a salt residue thatcannot be removed by the clean cycle.If the oven is not clean after one clean cycle,repeat the cycle.You cannot set the oven for cooking until theoven is cool enough for the door to unlock.While the oven is self-cleaning, you cantouch the Clock pad to display the time ofday. To return to the clean countdown, touchthe Cooking Time pad.If the racks become hard to slide,apply asmall amount of vegetable oil or cooking oil toa paper towel and wipe the edges of the ovenracks with the paper towel.