GE JGSP31GEP Use & Care Manual
Also see for JGSP30GEP: Technician manual
Care and Cleaning(See Cleaning Guide on page 23.)Proper care and cleaning areimportant so your oven will giveyou efficient and satisfactoryservice Follow these directionscarefully in caring for' it to assuresafe ,and proper maintenance.BE SURE ELECTRICALPOWER IS OFF BEFORECLEANING ANY PART OFTHE RANGE.Control PanelIt's a good idea to wipe the controlpanel clean after each use of therange. For a more thoroughcleaning, the knobs can beremoved by pulling them off theknob stems. If knobs are removed,do not allow water to run down theinside surface of the glass whilecleaning. Clean with mild soap andwater, rinse with clean water andpolish dry with a soft cloth..Do not use abrasive cleansers,strong liquid cleaners or ovencleaners on the control panel--they will damage the finish,.Cooktop GlassTo keep the cooktop looking itsbest, wipe up any spills as theyoccur, This will keep them fromburning on and becoming moredifficult to remove..As soon as the cooktop is cool,wash the glass surface with a clothmoistened with warm, soapywater'; rinse with clean water, anddry with a soft cloth. You can useany liquid household detetgent. Donot use abrasive materials such asmetal pads, cleansing powder andimpregnated pads--they mayscratch the surface° Do not useharsh chemicals such as bleach orchemical oven cleaners.CAUTION: DO NOT COOKON OR CLEAN A BROKENOR CRACKED COOKTOP.Cleaning solutions andspillovers penetrating thecooktop can create a risk ofelectric shock Call f0r servicetechnician immediately.Burner AssemblyThe burner assemblies should bewashed regularly and, of course,after spillovers.Turn all controls off beforeremoving burner parts.The electrode of the sparkigniter is exposed when thetop of the burner isremoved. The spark ignitersparks any time a controlknob is pushed in. Be carefulnot to push in any surfaceunit controls while the top ofa burner is removed. Aslight electrical shock mightresult which could cause youto knock over hot cookware.@Burner GrateBurner Top['rim RingBurner BowlBurner BodySpark IgniterCAUTION: DO NOTOPERATE THE BURNERWITHOUT ALL BURNERPARTS IN PLACE.The burner grates, burner tops andtrim rings can be lifted off, makingthem easy to clean Removingthem gives you access to theburner bodies and burner bowls(To avoid snagging cloth on sparkigniters, leave burner caps in placewhen cleaning burner bowls ) DONOT REMOVE BUP,2qERBOWLS. The bowls hold thecooktop glass in place Wash burnerparts with all-purpose non-abrasivecleaner and warm water Soakstubborn soil Dry them with acloth--don't reassemble them wetTo reassemble: Place the trim ringonto the burner body first. Beforeieplacing the burner top, firstexamine the four notches on itsunderside.. One of the notches,shaped differently from the otherthree, includes an indexing key forthe spark igniter---this notch fitsover the spark igniter: Whenreplacing burner grate, make surethe bottoms of the four' largerburner' grate fingers fit into thecorresponding indentations in theburner bowl,Burner GratesPorcelain enamel burner gratesshould be washed regularly and, ofcourse, after spillovers. Wash themin hot, soapy water and rinse withclean water: Dry the grates with acloth--don't put them back on therange wet_ When replacing thegrates, be sure they're positionedsecurely over' the burners.To get rid of burned-on food, soakthe grates in a slightly ditutedliquid detergent.Although they're durable, thegrates witl gradually lose theirshine, regardless of the best careyou can give them. This is due totheir continual exposure to hightemperatures.Do not operate a burner for' anextended period of time withoutcookware on the grate. The finishon the grate may chip withoutcookware to absorb the heat..18 |
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