GE JGSP31GEP Use & Care Manual
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Lift-Off Oven DoorThe oven door is removable tomake tile interior" more accessible.To remove the door, open it a fewinches to the special stop positionthat will hold the door' open.. Graspfirmly on each side and lift thedoor' straight up and off the hinges,Note: Be careful not to placehands between the spring hingeand the oven door frame as thehinge could snap back and pinchyour' fingers.To replace the door, make surethe hinges are in tile "out"position, Position the slots in tilebottom of the door squarely overthe hinges, Then lower the doorslowly and evenly over bothhinges at the same time. If hingessnap back against the oven frame,pull them back out,Oven ShelvesYou may clean the shelves witha mild abrasive cleanser' followingmanufacturer's directions Aftercleaning, rinse the shelveswith clean water' and dry witha clean cloth.To remove heavy, burned-on soil,soapy metal pads may be usedfollowing manufacturer'sdirections, After scrubbing, washwith soapy water, rinse and dry..Oven shelves may be cleaned inself-cleaning oven. However', theywilt darken, lose their luster andbecome hard to slide. Wipe theshelf supports with cooking oilafter self-cleaning to make shelvesslide more easily.Broiler Pan & RackAfter broiling, remove the broilerpan and rack and carefully pouroff the grease Wash and rinse thebroiler pan and rack in hot,soapy water.If' food has burned on, sprinkle therack while hot with detergent andcover with wet paper towels or adishcloth. That way, burned-onfoods will soak loose while themea! is being served,Do not store a soiled broiler panand rack in the oven. Do not cleanin self cleaning oven,Oven Light BulbTile light bulb is located in theupper right corner of the oven,Before replacing the bulb,disconnect electric power to therange at the main fuse or' circuitbreaker panel or' unplug tile rangefrom tile electric outlet, Let thebulb cool completely beforeremoving it, Do not touch a hotbulb with a damp cloth, If' you do,the bulb will break,Gasket/ Crystal_'i_._: -- 5 Over RingTo remove:•Remove tile 3 screws in the lampcover,. Detach lamp cover and removebulb,To replace:• Put in a new 40-watt appliancebulb. (Note: A 40-watt appliancebulb is smaller than a standmd 40-watt household bulb.)° Install lamp cover'. Replace 3screws and tighten, making surecover fits flush with oven wa!l,.• Reconnect electric power to range.Thermostat AdjustmentThe temperature in your' new rangehas been set correctly at thefactory, so be sure to follow therecipe temperatures and times thefirst few times you bake in your'new oven..If' you think tile oven should behotter' or cooler', you can adjust ityourself, To decide how much tochange the temperature, set theoven temperature 25°E higher orlower" than the temperature in your'recipe, then baize, The results ofthis test should give you an idea ofhow much the temperature shouldbe changed,To adjust temperature:1. Push the BAIZE. button,2. Select a temperature between500°F, and 550°F with theSET knob.3. Quickly (within two seconds,before the BAKE function begins)push and hold the BAKE buttonfor' about 5 seconds,. The displaywill show a plus number, a minusnumber, or "00"4, Turn the SET knob to adjust thetemperature in 5°E steps You canraise it until +35°F. shows ondisplay or lower it until -35°Eshows on display If the controlbeeps and flashes, push theCANCEL. button and start over,5. When you have made thedesired adjustment, push theCLOCK button to go back to thetime of day display or to use your'oven as you would normallyNote: The adjustment describedabove will not change the self-clean temperature,19¢3e__t,=t, |
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