Step3:Touch START. Display showsthe time of day oven will begincleaning, “START CLEAN TIME; ‘“OVEN DOOR LATCHED” andthe time of day.N~E: Oven automatically figuresthe starting time so cleaning willend when you want it to.Follow These Steps afterSelf-CleaningAfter cleaning is complete, theoven door will stay locked until theoven cools and the LOCKED lightgoes off. This takes about 30minutes.In!!!!!!Step 1:When LOCKED light is off, slideLATCH HANDLE to the left as faras it will go and open the door.Step 2:Turn OVEN SET knob to OFF.Step 3:Tu OVEN TEMP knob to Ww.Questions and AnswersQ. If my oven clock is not working,can I still self-clean my oven?A. No. Your Automatic OvenTimer uses the oven clock to helpstart and stop your self-cleaningcycle.Q. Can I use commercial ovencleaners on any part of myself-cleaning oven?A. No cleaners or coatings shouldbe used around any part of thisoven. If you do use them and do notwipe the oven absolutely clean, theresidue can scar the oven surfaceand damage metal parts the nexttime the oven is automaticallycleaned.Q. Can I clean the Woven Gasketaround the oven door?A. No, this gasket is essential fora good oven seal and care must betaken not to rub, damage or movethis gasket.Q. After having just used theoven, the LOCKED light cameon and I could not move theLatch Handle. Why?A. After several continuous high-temperature bakings or broilings,the LOCKED light may come on.The oven door can’t be latched forself-cleaning while the LOCKEDlight is on. If this happens, let theoven cool until the LOCKED lightgoes off. Then the oven door canbe latched for self-cleaning.Q. What should I do if excessivesmoking occurs during cleaning?A. This is caused by excessive soil,and you should switch the OVENSET knob to OFF. Open windowsto rid room of smoke. Allow theoven to cool for at least one hourbefore opening the door. Wipe upthe excess soil and reset the cleancycle.Q. Is the “crackling” sound Ihear during cleaning normal?A. Yes. This is the metal heatingand cooling during both thecooking and cleaning functions.Q. Should there be any odorduring the cleaning?A. Yes, there maybe a slight odorduring the first few cleanings.Failure to wipe out excessive soilmight also cause an odor whencleaning.Q. What causes the hair-likelines on the enameled surface ofmy oven?A. This is a normal conditionresulting from heating and coolingduring cleaning. These lines do notaffect how your oven performs.Q. Why do I have ash left in myoven after cleaning?A. Some types of soil will leavea deposit which is ash. It can beremoved with a damp sponge orcloth.Q. My oven shelves do not slideeasily. What is the matter?A. After many cleanings, ovenshelves may become so clean theydo not slide easily. If you wishshelves to slide more easily,dampen fingers with a smallamount of cooking oil and rublightly over sides of shelf wherethey contact shelf supports.Q. My oven shelves have becomegray after the self-clean cycle. Isthis normal?A. Yes. After the self-clean cycle,the shelves may lose some lusterand discolor to a deep gray color.Step 4:Touch CANCEL pad.33