HOME CANNING TIPSGEAppliances.comCanning should be done on the Coil Surface Units orthe Radiant Units only.Pots that extend beyond 1 inch of the surf'ace unit aJcenotrecommended tbr most surface cooking. However, whencmming with a water-bath or pressure cromer, larger-diameter cookwaJce may be used. This is because boilingwater temperatures (even under pressure) are not harmMto cooktop surfaces surrounding the surface unit.HOWEVER, DO NOT USE LARGE DIAMETERCANNERS OR OTHER LARGE DIAMETER POTSFOR FRYING OR BOILING FOODS OTHER THANWATER. Most syrup or sauce mixtures--and all types offried foods--cook at temperatures much higher thanboiling water. Such temperatures could eventually hahncooktop surfaces surrounding the module surface units.Observe Following Points in Canning1. Be sure the cromer fits over the center of the surfaceunit. If your cooktop or its location does not allow thecromer to be centerext on the surface unit, use smaller-dimneter cmmers for good cmming results or try puttingmodule on opposite side of cooktop (on some models)so the larger unit is in front. Be sure the cromer or otherlarge diameter pmls do not touch the control knobs orthe vent grille. The knobs mid the vent grille will bedamaged if touched by hot cookwaJce.2. Flat-bottomed canners must be used. Do not usecanners with flanged or rippled bottoms (often foundin enamelware) because they don't make enoughcontact with the surface unit and take a long time toboil water.Flat-bottomed canners are recommended forelectric coil surface units. They are required forglass cooktops.3. When canning, use recipes and procedures fromreputable sources. Reliable recipes and proceduresare available from the manufacturer of your canner;manufacturers of glass jars for canning, such asBall and Kerr; and the United States Department ofAgriculture Extension Service.4. Remember that canning is a process that generateslmge amounts of steam. To avoid bums from steam orheat, be careful when canning.NOTE: If your house has low voltage, canning may takelonger than expected, even though directions have beencarefully followed.The process time will be shortened by:(1) using a pressure canner, and(2) starting with HOT tap water for fastest heating oflmge quantities of water.CAUTIONS:Safe canning requires that harmfnl microorganismsare destroyed and that the jars are sealedcompletely. When canning foods in a water-bathcanner, a gentle but steady boil must be maintainedcontinuously for the required time. When canningfoods in a pressure canner, the pressure must bemaintained continuously for the required time.After you have adjusted the controls, it is veryimportant to make sure the prescribed boil orpressure levels are maintained for the required time.RADIANT GLASS CAUTIONS:The radiant surface units have temperature limitersthat help prevent them from getting too hot. If thebottom of your canner is not fiat, the surface unit canoverheat, triggering the temperature limiters to turnthe unit off for a time. This will stop the boil orreduce the pressure in the canner.Since you must make sure to process the canning jarsfor the prescribed time, with no interruption inprocessing time, you cannot can on radiant surfaceunits if the bottom of your canner is not fiat enough.What is a Temperature Limiter?Every radimlt surface unit has a Temperature Limiter.The Temperature Limiter protects the glass-ceramicsurface from getting too hot.The Temperature Limiter may turn oft" thesurface units if:• The pan boils dry.• The pan bottom is not flat.• The pan is off center.• There is no pan on the unit.21