TABLE1Calculate Total Equivalent Ductwork LengthEquivalent Number EquivalentDuct Pieces Length*x Used = Length5" round(_straight 2.7 X ( ft.)t= ft.6" roundstraight 1 X ( ft.)t= ft.31/4"X 10"straight 1 X ( ft.)t= ft.(_ 5", 90°elbow 37 ft. X ( ) = ft.6", 90 °elbow 15 ft. X ( ) = ft.5", 45 °elbow 18 ft. X ( ) = ft.6", 45 °elbow 9 ft. x ( ) = ft.FlexibleMetal Offset See CalculationsAdapter in Step 5A ft.31/4" x 10"90° elbow 16 ft. X ( ) = ft.31/4"X 10"45° elbow 5 ft. X ( ) = ft.31/4. x10 ,90° flat elbow 18 ft. X ( ) = ft.5" round_l to 31/4" x 10"transition 3 ft. x ( ) = ft.6" roundto 31/4"x 10"transition 7 ft. x ( ) = ft.Subtotal Column 1 = ft.* Equivalent lengths of duct pieces are basedon actual tests and reflect requirements for goodventing performance with any downdraSt cooktop.I" Measure and list feet of straight duct used.Count and list the quantity of all other ductpieces for the "Number Used" of each type.IMPORTANTFor maximum efficiency, use the shortest andstraightest duct run possible, with as few fittingsas possible. For satisfactory performance,the duct run should not exceed 100 feetequivalent length.Venting performance is improved by usinglarger diameter duct.32Equivalent Number EquivalentDuct Pieces Length* x Used = Length5" roundto 31/4"x10"transition90° elbow 37 ft. X ( ) = ft.S" roundtO 31/4" X 10"transition90° elbow 20 ft. X ( ) = ft.31/4" X 10"to 6" roundtransition 5 ft. x ( ) = ft.31/4.x10 ,to 6" roundtransition90° elbow 12 ft. X ( ) = ft.Tapered5" roundto 6" roundtransition ft.5" round collarto 6" roundcap transition ft.5" roundwall cap(_ with damper ft.6" roundwall capwith damper ft.@ 1/4"X10"wall capwith damper ft._1_ 6" roundroof cap ft.6" roundroof vent6ft. x( )=13ft. x ( )=84 ft. x ( ) =21ft. x ( )=27ft. x ( ) =20 x ( )=24 x ( )=Subtotal Column 2 =Subtotal Column 1 =TOTAL DUCTWORK =ft.ft.ft.ft.Should not exceed 100 feetIf flexible metal ducting is used, all the equivalentfeet values in the table should be doubled. Theflexible metal duct should be straight and smoothand extended as much as possible.DO NOT use flexible plastic ducting.Vent installation should not exceed 100 feetequivalent length.Blower is rated at 400 CFM at 0.1 inch of waterback pressure.