Helpful InformationThe Exhaust Feature42If the model is not ventedto the outside, the air willbe recirculated through adisposable charcoal filterthat helps remove smokeand odors.The charcoal filter shouldbe replaced when it isnoticeably dirty or dis-colored (usually after 6 to12 months, depending onhood usage).The charcoal filtercannot be cleaned. Itmust be replaced. OrderPart No. WB02X9883from your GE supplier.Charcoal Filter(on some models)To remove the charcoalfilter, disconnect power atthe main fuse or circuitbreaker panel or pull theplug.Remove the top grille byremoving the 2 screws thathold it in place. Slide thefilter towards the front ofthe oven and remove it.To RemoveCharcoal FilterRemove 2 grille screws toremove the grille.To install a new filter,remove plastic and otherouter wrapping from thenew filter.Insert the filter into thetop opening of the oven asshown. It will rest at anangle on 2 side supporttabs and in front of theright rear tab. Replacethe grille and 2 screws.To InstallCharcoal Filter