IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONSPECIAL NOTES ABOUT MICROWAVINGMake sure all cookwareused in your microwaveoven is suitable formicrowaving. Most glasscasseroles, cooking dishes,measuring cups, custardcups, pottery or chinadinnerware which does nothave metallic trim or glazewith a metallic sheen canbe used. Some cookware islabeled “suitable formicrowaving.”• If you are not sure if adish is microwave-safe,use this test: Place in theoven both the dish youare testing and a glassmeasuring cup filled with1 cup of water—set themeasuring cup either inor next to the dish.Microwave 1 minute athigh. If the dish heats, itshould not be used formicrowaving.If the dish remains cooland only the water in thecup heats, then the dishis microwave-safe.• If you use a meat ther-mometer while cooking,make sure it is safe foruse in microwave ovens.• Do not use recycledpaper products. Recycledpaper towels, napkinsand waxed paper cancontain metal fleckswhich may cause arcingor ignite. Paper productscontaining nylon ornylon filaments shouldbe avoided, as they mayalso ignite.• Some styrofoam trays(like those that meat ispackaged on) have a thinstrip of metal embeddedin the bottom. Whenmicrowaved, the metalcan burn the floor of theoven or ignite a papertowel.• Do not use the microwaveto dry newspapers.• Not all plastic wrap issuitable for use in micro-wave ovens. Check thepackage for proper use.• Paper towels, waxedpaper and plastic wrapcan be used to coverdishes in order to retainmoisture and preventspattering. Be sure tovent plastic wrap so steamcan escape.• Cookware may becomehot because of heattransferred from theheated food. Pot holdersmay be needed to handlethe cookware.• “Boilable” cookingpouches and tightlyclosed plastic bags shouldbe slit, pierced or ventedas directed by package. Ifthey are not, plastic couldburst during or immed-iately after cooking,possibly resulting in injury.Also, plastic storagecontainers should be atleast partially uncoveredbecause they form a tightseal. When cooking withcontainers tightly coveredwith plastic wrap, removecovering carefully anddirect steam away fromhands and face.MICROWAVE-SAFECOOKWAREHow to test for a microwave-safe dish.8