About the sensor microwave features. GEApp,iances.comHumidity SensorWhat happens when using the Sensor Features:The Sensor Fe(]tures detect the incre(]sing humiditg rele(]sedduring cooking. The oven(]utom(]tic(]llg adjusts the cooking time to various tgpes and (]mounts of food.Do not use the Sensor Featurestwice in successionon the same food portion-it m(]g result inseverelg overcooked or burnt food. If food is undercooked after the countdown, use Time Cookfor additional cooking time.NOTE:Sensor features will not operate when the oven is hot. If one of the sensor cookingpads is touched when the temperature inside the oven is greater than 200°F,"OVENTOOHOTFORSENSORCOOKING---USINGALTERNATEMETHOD"will be disploged. The oven willoutomoticollg change to cook bg time (follow the directions in the displog)or once the ovenis cool enough, the sensor features will function normollg.The proper containers and covers are essential for best sensor cooking.CoveredVentedAlwags use microwave-safe containers and cover them with lids or vented plastic wrap.Never use tight sealing plastic containers-theg can prevent steam from escaping andcause food to overcook.Be sure the outside of the cooking containers and the inside of the microwave ovenare drg before placing food in the oven. Beadsof moisture turning into steam can misleadthe sensor.Dry off dishes so they don't misleadthe sensor.Cook 16Sensor CookUsing Sensor Cook lets gou heat commonmicrowave-prepared foods without needingto program times and Cook Powers.SensorCook has preset Cook Powerfor 7 foodcategories.Example (cooking rice):B Touch Cook.F_ Choose the food categorg.Sensor Cook ChartBakedPotatoFreshVegetableFrozenVegetableCannedVegetableCasseroleRiceFrozenEntr_eTouchPadNumber Amount1 i-4 each2 i-4 cups3 1-4 cups4 1-4 cups5 1-4 cups6 1/2-2cups7 10-21oz.When the cook time is over,four beeps willsound and COOKEND will displag.15