About the sensor features.18The Sensor Features detect the increasinghumidity released during cooking. The ovenautomatically adjusts the cooking time tovarious types and amounts of food.Do not use the Sensor Features twice inVXFFHVVLRQRQWKHVDPHIRRGSRUWLRQ³LWmay result in severely overcooked or burntfood. Be sure to let the oven cool downfor 5-10 minutes before starting the nextsensor cook.If food is undercooked after the countdown,use Cook Time for additional cooking time.• The proper containers and covers areessential for best sensor cooking.• Always use microwave-safe containersand cover them with lids or ventedplastic wrap. Never use tight-sealingSODVWLFFRYHUV³they can preventsteam from escaping and cause food toovercook.• Be sure the outside of the cookingcontainer and the inside of the microwaveoven are dry before placing food in theoven. Beads of moisture turning into steamcan mislead the sensor.CoveredVentedDry off dishes so they don’tmislead the sensor.To use the Popcorn feature:1. Follow package instructions, using CookTime if the package is less than 3.0 ouncesor larger than 3.5 ounces. Place thepackage of popcorn in the center of themicrowave.2. Press POPCORN. The oven startsimmediately.If you open the door while “POPCORN” isdisplayed, “SENSOR ERROR” will appear. Closethe door, press CancelOff and begin again.If food is undercooked after the countdownuse Cook Time for additional cooking time.How to Adjust the Popcorn Program toProvide a Shorter or Longer Cook TimeIf you find that the brand of popcorn you useunderpops or overcooks consistently, youcan add or subtract 10% to the automaticpopping time.To add time:After pressing POPCORN, press 9 immediatelyafter the oven starts for an extra 10% of theautomatic popping time.To subtract time:After pressing POPCORN, press 1 immediatelyafter the oven starts for 10% less of theautomatic popping time.PopcornNOTE: Do not use thisfeature twice in successionRQWKHVDPHIRRGSRUWLRQ³it may result in severelyovercooked or burnt food.NOTE: Do not use thisfeature twice in successionRQWKHVDPHIRRGSRUWLRQ³it may result in severelyovercooked or burnt food.To use the Beverage feature:Press Beverage to heat a cup of coffee orother beverage.Drinks heated with the Beverage featuremay be very hot. Remove the containerwith care.If food is undercooked after the countdown,use Cook Time for additional cooking time.Beverage