5-98 L30 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5GGIO2 CF SPCSO 1 CTLMODELRange: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: direct-with-normal-securityThis setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control Virtual Input 1. "sbo" here is select-before-operate.GGIO2 CF SPCSO 2 CTLMODELRange: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: direct-with-normal-securitySelects the control model for Virtual Input 2, and so on.GGIO4GGIO4 is a UR feature that allows up to 32 UR FlexAnalog operands to be user-mapped to an IEC 61850 information modeldata attribute.For the value of a FlexAnalog operand to be read via MMS, included in TxGOOSE messages, or included in buffered/unbuffered reports, the value must be assigned to a data attribute. GGIO4 allows those FlexAnalog operands that have notyet been factory-assigned to a data attribute to be user-assigned to a generic data attribute, and thus have their valuesincluded in IEC 61850 communications.Navigate to Settings > Product Setup > Communications > IEC 61850 > GGIO > GGIO4 > GGIO4.AnIn1 to access thesettings for the first GGIO4 value. The settings and functionality for the others are similar.Figure 5-46: GGIO4 panelANALOG IN 1 VALUERange: any FlexAnalog operandDefault: OFFThis setting selects the FlexAnalog operand whose value is mapped into the IEC 61850 data attribute/GGIO4.AnIn01.instMag.f. The value of the FlexAnalog operand is converted automatically to the format andscaling required by the standard, that is to say primary amperes, primary volts, and so on. See Appendix A for a list ofFlexAnalog operands.