CHAPTER 7: COMMANDS AND TARGETS COMMANDS MENUL30 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7-37COMMANDS CLEAR RECORDS CLEAR IEC61850 XWSI OPCNTCOMMANDS CLEAR RECORDS CLEAR IEC61850 XCBR OPCNTThe Clear XSWI commands clear the disconnect operation counters for each phase and the three-phase counter. Similarly,the Clear XCBR commands clear the circuit breaker operation counters for each phase and the three-phase counter.7.1.3 Set date and timeCOMMANDS SET DATE AND TIMEThe date and time can be entered on the front panel keypad. The time setting is based on the 24-hour clock. The completedate, as a minimum, must be entered to allow execution of this command. The new time and date take effect when theENTER key is pressed.The clock also can be synchronized to the local computer time among several UR devices. Use the Synchronize Devicesentry in the Online Window area of the EnerVista software. (Click the button at the top of the window that opens.)When the relay is synchronizing to an external time source such as PTP, IRIG-B, or SNTP, the manually entered time or themanually synchronized time is over-written.The timescale of the entered time is local time, including daylight savings time where and when applicable.7.1.4 Relay maintenanceCOMMANDS RELAY MAINTENANCE CLEAR IEC61850 XWSI OPCNT CLEAR XSWI 1OpCnt? NoRange: No, Yes CLEAR XSWI 24OpCnt? NoRange: No, Yes CLEAR IEC61850 XCBR OPCNT CLEAR XCBR 1OpCnt? NoRange: No, Yes CLEAR XCBR 8OpCnt? NoRange: No, Yes COMMANDS SET DATE AND TIME SET DATE AND TIME:2000/01/14 13:47:03Range: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS COMMANDS RELAY MAINTENANCE PERFORM LAMP TEST?NoRange: No, Yes PERFORM LCD TEST?OffRange: Off, Red, Green, Blue, White & Text Pattern,Black & Text Pattern, TV Test Pattern PERFORM PUSHBUTTONTEST? NoRange: No, Yes UPDATE ORDER CODE?NoRange: No, Yes REBOOT RELAY?NoRange: No, Yes SERVICE COMMAND0Range: 0, 101 SAVE VOLATILE DATA?NoRange: No, Yes