LX: OPM_LPA_11U_5K0_10K_1US_V021 31 GE DE LanPro-11U UPS: Installation / User Manual 2.1 (US)GE Digital Energyg5.4.3 Deep Battery TestThe runtime as shown on the LCD screen is calculated, and the value is initially based on the capacity of newbatteries. As batteries age, their capacity deteriorates, and as a result the initial battery capacity may be toounreliable for a proper runtime prediction. The UPS is able to keep track of the aging process, if a 'deep battery test'(battery calibration test) is executed regularly. During such a test the condition of the batteries is tested, and theresult of the test is stored, and used by the UPS system for future runtime calculations.We advise performing a deep battery test on a regular basis. For accuracy reasons the interval should depend onthe number of discharges . With one discharge per month a 6 month interval is sufficient. If the discharge interval isshorter than once a week a monthly deep battery test is advised.A deep battery test can be started only if the following conditions are met:- The load should be more than 30% of nominal load- The batteries should be fully charged (100% on screen)- There are no alarms at the time the test is started.Procedure:From the standard menu first enter the service menu (press the 'down' and 'enter/reset' keys simultaneously for 2seconds). Subsequently press the 'down' key until the following screen appears:Press the keys ‘down’ (2) + 'enter/reset' (3) simultaneously, for at least 1 second.The following screen appears:The test is executed, this may take a few minutes with standard battery and full load. Partial load and/or batt.extension packs can lengthen the test period considerably. Do not change the load during the test, i.e. do not switchoff or on connected equipment!The deep battery test discharges the batteries to 'battery low' alarm level (see section 5.3.2 'battery low'). Pleasenote that immediately after a deep battery test the expected run time is very short: allow the UPS to recharge itsbatteries.After the test the second line informs about the result:7(6768&&(6)8/7(6768&&(6)8/7(6768&&(6)8/7(6768&&(6)8/ = The test has been completed succesfully7(67)$,/('7(67)$,/('7(67)$,/('7(67)$,/(' = The test could not be executed properly: not all test conditions were fulfilled. TheUPS system was not informed about the actual battery condition!&$/,%5$7(%$7SUHVV'2:1(17(5&$/,%5$7(%$77(67$&7,9$7('