LX: OPM_LPA_11U_5K0_10K_1US_V021 6 GE DE LanPro-11U UPS: Installation / User Manual 2.1 (US)GE Digital Energyg3.1 The Principles of OperationThe LanPro®-U UPS stores electric energy in batteries. This allows the UPS to supply output power even when theincoming utility power is cut off completely.Energy is stored as Direct Current (DC), while input and output energy must be Alternating Current (AC). Thereforethe UPS contains an input converter (AC to DC) and an output converter (DC to AC). (fig.2)3.2 Normal ConditionsUnder normal conditions, energy from the utility is channelled through the input converter, which supplies the outputconverter and the battery charger. The batteries are kept in a fully charged state, and the output convertersynthesizes a completely new AC output sine wave to supply the load (electrical equipment).3.3 Utility FailureIn the event of a utility power failure (i.e. absent or outside tolerance) the system uses the energy reserve stored inthe battery to continue to produce AC power, ensuring unbroken output (fig. 3). No interruption or alteration will everbe noticed in the output power.In the event of an extended utility failure, the output converter will stop when the battery has been discharged. At thispoint, the UPS is no longer able to power the connected equipment.When the utility is re-established within tolerance, the output converter will be supplied again by the input converterand the batteries will be recharged, making them ready to support future power failures.OUTPUT:PERFECT UPS POWEROUTPUTINPUT:UTILITY POWER WITH DISTURBANCESRFIFILTERP.F. = 1CONVERTERBYPASSFILTERSTATICBYPASSOUTPUTCONVERTERBATTERYCHARGERRECTIFIEROPTIONALBATTERYEXTENSIONMICRO-PROCESSOR CONTROLBATTERYSYSTEMON/OFFFRONTPANELOUTPUTTRANSFORMERRFIFILTEROPTIONSLOTS for:RPA CARDSNMP CARDRELAY CARDstd. installed:RS232/CONTACTINTERFACEUTILITYINPUTMANUAL BYPASSSWITCHBACKFEEDPROT.Figure 2. Block diagram of the LanPro®-11U UPS, utility presentOUTPUT:PERFECT UPS POWEROUTPUTNO INPUT:UTILITY FAILURERFIFILTERP.F. = 1CONVERTERBYPASSFILTERSTATICBYPASSOUTPUTCONVERTERBATTERYCHARGERRECTIFIEROPTIONALBATTERYEXTENSIONMICRO-PROCESSOR CONTROLBATTERYSYSTEMON/OFFFRONTPANELOUTPUTTRANSFORMERRFIFILTERMANUAL BYPASSSWITCHBACKFEEDPROT.OPTIONSLOTS for:RPA CARDSNMP CARDRELAY CARDstd. installed:RS232/CONTACTINTERFACEFigure 3. Block diagram of the LanPro®-11U UPS, utility failure3 - Functional Explanation