5-60 M60 Motor Protection System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5EXAMPLE 1: EXTENDING THE INPUT/OUTPUT CAPABILITIES OF A UR-SERIES RELAYConsider an application that requires additional quantities of digital inputs or output contacts or lines of programmable logicthat exceed the capabilities of a single UR-series chassis. The problem is solved by adding an extra UR-series IED, suchas the C30, to satisfy the additional input and output and programmable logic requirements. The two IEDs are connectedvia single-channel digital communication cards as shown in the figure below.Figure 5–11: INPUT AND OUTPUT EXTENSION VIA DIRECT INPUTS AND OUTPUTSIn the above application, the following settings should be applied. For UR-series IED 1:DIRECT OUTPUT DEVICE ID: “1”DIRECT I/O CH1 RING CONFIGURATION: “Yes”DIRECT I/O DATA RATE: “128 kbps”For UR-series IED 2:DIRECT OUTPUT DEVICE ID: “2”DIRECT I/O CH1 RING CONFIGURATION: “Yes”DIRECT I/O DATA RATE: “128 kbps”The message delivery time is about 0.2 of power cycle in both ways (at 128 kbps); that is, from device 1 to device 2, andfrom device 2 to device 1. Different communications cards can be selected by the user for this back-to-back connection (forexample: fiber, G.703, or RS422).EXAMPLE 2: INTERLOCKING BUSBAR PROTECTIONA simple interlocking busbar protection scheme could be accomplished by sending a blocking signal from downstreamdevices, say 2, 3, and 4, to the upstream device that monitors a single incomer of the busbar, as shown below.Figure 5–12: SAMPLE INTERLOCKING BUSBAR PROTECTION SCHEMEFor increased reliability, a dual-ring configuration (shown below) is recommended for this application.842711A1.CDRUR IED 1TX1RX1UR IED 2TX1RX1842712A1.CDRUR IED 1UR IED 2 UR IED 4UR IED 3BLOCK