B-46 M60 Motor Protection System GE MultilinB.4 MEMORY MAPPING APPENDIX BBUndercurrent (Read/Write Grouped Setting)9F00 Undercurrent Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)9F01 Undercurrent Speed 1 Start Block Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 509F02 Undercurrent Speed 1 Alarm Pickup 0.1 to 0.95 × FLA 0.01 F001 709F03 Undercurrent Speed 1 Alarm Pickup Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 2009F04 Undercurrent Speed 1 Trip Pickup 0.1 to 0.95 × FLA 0.01 F001 709F05 Undercurrent Speed 1 Trip Pickup Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 1009F06 Undercurrent Speed 1 Trip Reset Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 1009F07 Undercurrent Speed 1 Block 0 to 65535 --- 1 F300 09F08 Undercurrent Target 0 to 2 --- 1 F109 0 (Self-reset)9F09 Undercurrent Events 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)9F0A Undercurrent Speed 2 Start Block Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 509F0B Undercurrent Speed 2 Alarm Pickup 0.1 to 0.95 × FLA 0.01 F001 709F0C Undercurrent Speed 2 Alarm Pickup Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 2009F0D Undercurrent Speed 2 Trip Pickup 0.1 to 0.95 × FLA 0.01 F001 709F0E Undercurrent Speed 2 Trip Pickup Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 1009F0F Undercurrent Speed 2 Trip Reset Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 1009F10 Undercurrent Speed 2 Block 0 to 65535 --- 1 F300 09F11 Reserved (2 items) 0 to 1 --- 1 F001 0Broken Rotor Bar Detection (Read Only Actual Values)A020 Broken Rotor Bar Component Level –100 to 0 dB 0.1 F002 –1000A021 Broken Rotor Bar Component Frequency 0 to 76 Hz 0.01 F001 0A022 Motor Load at Broken Rotor Bar Calculation 0 to 1.5 × FLA 0.01 F001 0A023 Motor Load Deviation at Broken Rotor Bar Calculation 0 to 1.5 × FLA 0.01 F001 0A024 Time Stamp at Broken Rotor Bar Calculation 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F050 0A026 Maximum Broken Rotor Bar Component Level –100 to 0 dB 0.1 F002 –1000A027 Maximum Broken Rotor Bar Component Frequency 0 to 76 Hz 0.01 F001 0A028 Motor Load at Broken Rotor Bar Maximum 0 to 1.5 × FLA 0.01 F001 0A029 Motor Load Deviation at Broken Rotor Bar Maximum 0 to 1.5 × FLA 0.01 F001 0A02A Time Stamp at Broken Rotor Bar Maximum 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F050 0Broken Rotor Bar Commands (Read/Write Commands)A02D Broken Rotor Bar Clear Data Command 0 to 1 --- 1 F126 0 (No)Broken Rotor Bar Detection (Read/Write Settings)A030 Broken Rotor Bar Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)A031 Start of Broken Rotor Bar Offset –12 to 11.99 Hz 0.01 F002 40A032 End of Broken Rotor Bar Offset –11.99 to 12 Hz 0.01 F002 200A033 Broken Rotor Bar Start Block Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 6000A034 Minimum Motor Load 0.5 to 1 × FLA 0.01 F001 70A035 Maximum Load Deviation 0 to 1 × FLA 0.01 F001 10A036 Maximum Current Unbalance 0 to 100 % 0.1 F001 150A037 Broken Rotor Bar Pickup –60 to –12 dB 1 F002 -40A038 Broken Rotor Bar Reset Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 0A039 Broken Rotor Bar Block 0 to 65535 --- 1 F300 0A03A Broken Rotor Bar Target 0 to 2 --- 1 F109 0 (Self-reset)A03B Broken Rotor Bar Events 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)VT Fuse Failure (Read/Write Setting) (6 modules)A040 VT Fuse Failure 1 Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)A041 ...Repeated for VT Fuse Failure 2 FunctionA042 ...Repeated for VT Fuse Failure 3 FunctionA043 ...Repeated for VT Fuse Failure 4 FunctionA044 ...Repeated for VT Fuse Failure 5 FunctionA045 ...Repeated for VT Fuse Failure 6 FunctionCurrent Unbalance Actual Values (Read Only)A200 Current Unbalance 0 to 100 % 0.1 F001 0Table B–9: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 39 of 59)ADDR REGISTER NAME RANGE UNITS STEP FORMAT DEFAULT