2.1.4 FAULT RECORD EVENTSAn event record is created for every fault the IED detects. This is also known as a fault record.The event type description shown in the Event Text cell for this type of event is always Fault Recorded.The IED contains a separate register containing the latest fault records. This provides a convenient way of viewingthe latest fault records and saves searching through the event log. You access these fault records using the SelectFault setting, where fault number 0 is the latest fault.A fault record is triggered by the Fault REC TRIG signal DDB, which is assigned in the PSL. The fault recorderrecords the values of all parameters associated with the fault for the duration of the fault. These parameters arestored in separate Courier cells, which become visible depending on the type of fault.The fault recorder stops recording only when:The Start signal is reset AND the undercurrent is ON OR the Trip signal is reset, as shown below:V01234&Start signal resetsUndercurrent is ONTrip signal resets1Fault recorder stops recordingFault recorder triggerFigure 161: Fault recorder stop conditionsThe event is logged as soon as the fault recorder stops. The time stamp assigned to the fault corresponds to thestart of the fault. The timestamp assigned to the fault record event corresponds to the time when the faultrecorder stops.Note:We recommend that you do not set the triggering contact to latching. This is because if you use a latching contact, the faultrecord would not be generated until the contact has been fully reset.2.1.5 MAINTENANCE EVENTSInternal failures detected by the self-test procedures are logged as maintenance records. Maintenance records arespecial types of standard events.The event type description shown in the Event Text cell for this type of event is always Maint Recorded.The Event Value cell also provides a unique binary code.The IED contains a separate register containing the latest maintenance records. This provides a convenient way ofviewing the latest maintenance records and saves searching through the event log. You access these fault recordsusing the Select Maint setting.The maintenance record has a number of extra menu cells relating to the maintenance event. These parametersare Maint Text, Maint Type and Maint Data. They contain details about the maintenance event selected with theSelect Maint cell.2.1.6 PROTECTION EVENTSThe IED logs protection starts and trips as individual events. Protection events are special types of standard events.The event type description shown in the Event Text cell for this type of event is dependent on the protection eventthat occurred. Each time a protection event occurs, a DDB signal changes state. It is the name of this DDB signalfollowed by 'ON' or 'OFF' that appears in the Event Text cell.Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14x314 P14xEd1-TM-EN-1