The inactivity timer for the front port is set to 15 minutes. This controls how long the unit maintains its level ofpassword access on the front port. If no messages are received on the front port for 15 minutes, any passwordaccess level that has been enabled is cancelled.Note:The front serial port does not support automatic extraction of event and disturbance records, although this data can beaccessed manually. FRONT SERIAL PORT (SK1) CONNECTIONSThe port pin-out follows the standard for Data Communication Equipment (DCE) device with the following pinconnections on a 9-pin connector.Pin number Description2 Tx Transmit data3 Rx Receive data5 0 V Zero volts commonYou must use the correct serial cable, or the communication will not work. A straight-through serial cable isrequired, connecting pin 2 to pin 2, pin 3 to pin 3, and pin 5 to pin 5.Once the physical connection from the unit to the PC is made, the PC’s communication settings must be set tomatch those of the IED. The following table shows the unit’s communication settings for the front port.Protocol CourierBaud rate 19,200 bpsCourier address 1Message format 11 bit - 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit (even parity), 1 stop bit4.1.4 FRONT PARALLEL PORT (SK2)The front parallel port uses a 25 pin D-type connector. It is used for commissioning, downloading firmware updatesand menu text editing.4.1.5 FIXED FUNCTION LEDSFour fixed-function LEDs on the left-hand side of the front panel indicate the following conditions.● Trip (Red) switches ON when the IED issues a trip signal. It is reset when the associated fault record iscleared from the front display. Also the trip LED can be configured as self-resetting.● Alarm (Yellow) flashes when the IED registers an alarm. This may be triggered by a fault, event ormaintenance record. The LED flashes until the alarms have been accepted (read), then changes toconstantly ON. When the alarms are cleared, the LED switches OFF.● Out of service (Yellow) is ON when the IED's functions are unavailable.● Healthy (Green) is ON when the IED is in correct working order, and should be ON at all times. It goes OFF ifthe unit’s self-tests show there is an error in the hardware or software. The state of the healthy LED isreflected by the watchdog contacts at the back of the unit.4.1.6 FUNCTION KEYSThe programmable function keys are available for custom use for some models.Factory default settings associate specific functions to these keys, but by using programmable scheme logic, youcan change the default functions of these keys to fit specific needs. Adjacent to these function keys areprogrammable LEDs, which are usually set to be associated with their respective function keys.P14x Chapter 3 - Hardware DesignP14xEd1-TM-EN-1 35