Register Address Data read from these registers Format of the data3x00329 57928 G27The Equivalent G27 value = [216 * Value in the address 3x00328 + Value in the address 3x00329] = 216*2 + 57928 =189000The Equivalent value of power G29 = G28 * Equivalent G27 =116 * 189000 =21.92 MWNote:The above calculated value (21.92 MW) is same as the power value measured on the front panel display.Data type G125Data type G125 is a short float IEEE754 floating point format, which occupies 32 bits in two consecutive registers.The high order byte of the format is in the first (low order) register and the low order byte in the second register.The value of the G125 measurement is as accurate as the IED's ability to resolve the measurement after it hasapplied the secondary or primary scaling factors. It does not suffer from the truncation errors or dynamic rangelimitations associated with the G29 data format.7.4.12 MODBUS CONFIGURATIONTo configure the device:1. Select the CONFIGURATION column and check that the Comms settings cell is set to Visible.2. Select the COMMUNICATIONS column.3. Move to the first cell down (RP1 protocol). This is a non settable cell, which shows the chosencommunication protocol – in this case Modbus.COMMUNICATIONSRP1 ProtocolModbus4. Move down to the next cell (RP1 Address). This cell controls the Modbus address of the IED. Up to 32 IEDscan be connected to one spur, therefore it is necessary for each IED to have a unique address so thatmessages from the master control station are accepted by only one IED. Modbus uses a decimal numberbetween 1 and 247 for the Relay Address. It is important that no two IEDs have the same address.COMMUNICATIONSRP1 Address15. Move down to the next cell (RP1 InactivTimer). This cell controls the inactivity timer. The inactivity timercontrols how long the IED waits without receiving any messages on the rear port before it reverts to itsdefault state, including revoking any password access that was enabled. For the rear port this can be setbetween 1 and 30 minutes.COMMUNICATIONSRP1 Inactivtimer10.00 minsChapter 18 - Communications P14x444 P14xEd1-TM-EN-1