5 Maintenance5.7 Pipette calibration54 MicroCal iTC200 Operating Instructions 28-9639-77 AA5.7 Pipette calibrationThe pipette may need to be re-calibrated, especially after a new pipette is installed. The“ITC => Pipette Tools” menu option will open the following popup.Figure 5-7. Pipette menu.The Initialize Pipette section will make the software run a routine that checks thesensors on the pipette and makes sure that the software knows certain constants of thepipette. The checkbox at the bottom of the section will cause the software to run thischeck every time it starts.The Open Port Calibration section contains the controls for adjusting the position of theplunger when the fill port is open. Use the distance slider bar and the up and downbuttons to move the plunger tip to just above the fill port in the upper side of the glasssyringe bore. Once the position is correct, click the Calibrate Open Fill Port button tohave the software set the current location as the open fill port location. Click the Openand Close buttons in the bottom section to check the calibration.5.8 Y-axis calibration checkIt is recommended that the y-axis calibration be checked every few months to ensureaccurate data acquisition. The automatic calibration check routine will send a series ofpulses to the cell heaters, dissipating a known power. The offset in the DP as a result ofthis power is analyzed in comparison to the correct DP offset.Make sure the cells are clean, and fill both cells with degassed, distilled water. Load thetitration syringe with water and insert it into the sample cell. It is recommended thatOrigin for real-time data be enabled.To begin the y-axis calibration check procedure: