Installation InstructionsINSTALLING THE COOKTOPATTACHING A BLOWER TRANSITIONDUCTUse a blower transition duct for all downward ductinstallations to connect to 6" round standard ductwork.This 3¼" x 10" rectangle to 6" round transition duct isavailable at your local building supply store.Screw(on otherside)Install the transition duct to the blower outlet. Secureall joints with duct tape to assure an airtight seal.r_l CONNECTING THE DUCTWORKConnect the ductwork prepared in Steps 5 and 6to the blower transition duct.INSTALL THE PRESSURE REGULATORRegulator0_____ Solid piping orflexible connector_ Union_4_ Solid pipingor flexibleShut-off _ connectorvalve []_--_ Pipe stub• Forall connections, use a pipe sealant approved by localcodes and resistant to the activity of LPgas.° Installthe pressure regulator in the gas line as close to thecooktop inlet as possible to allow clearance for ventilationducting.• Make sure the arrow on the body of the regulator is pointingstraight up and toward the cooktop. Any other positionwill affect the output pressure of the regulator. This arrowindicates correct flow of gas.• Installa manual gas line shut-off valve in an easily accessiblelocation.INSTALL THE PRESSUREREGULATOR (cont.)NOTE:Instead of using solid piping to connect to pressureregulator, an approved flexible metal appliance connectormay be used between the shut-off valve and the pressureregulator, if local codes permit.Appropriate flare nuts and adapters are required at eachend of the flexible connector.TEST FOR LEAKSWARNING: DO NOT USEA FLAMETO CHECKFORGASLEAKS!Do not usethe cooktop until all connectionshave been leak tested.Perform leak test per the following instructions:1.Purchase a liquid leak detector or prepare a soap solutionof one part water, one part liquid detergent.2. When all connections have been made, make sure allcooktop controls are turned to OFFand turn the gas supplyvalve to ON.3. Apply the liquid leak detector or the soap solution aroundall connections from the shut-off valve to the cooktop.4. A leak is identified by a flow of bubbles from the area ofthe leak.5. If a leak is detected, turn the gas supply off. Tighten thefitting. Turn the gas on and test again.If the leak persists,turn the gas supply off and contactyour dealer for assistance. Do not attempt to operatethe cooktop if a leak is present.IMPORTANT:Disconnect the cooktop and the individualshut-off valve from the gas supply piping system duringany pressure testing of that system at test pressuresgreater than 1/2 psig. Isolate the cooktop from the gassupply piping system by closing the individual manual shut-off valve to the cooktop during any pressure testing of thegas supply piping system at test pressures equal to or lessthan 1/2 psig.27