– 17 –LEVEL THE REFRIGERATOR DOORSRemember a level refrigerator is necessaryfor getting the doors perfectly even. If youneed help, review the previous section onleveling the refrigerator.If you open the freezer door, you can seethe center hinge.Insert the supplied 4 mm Allen wrenchinto the shaft of the center hinge.9ABWhenthe leftdoor islowerthan therightdoor.Whenthe leftdoor ishigherthan therightdoor.AdjustmentpointAdjustmentpointLEVEL THE REFRIGERATORDOORS (cont.)Adjust the height by turning clockwiseor counterclockwise. When you turncounterclockwise, the door will move up.After adjusting the doors, please insert thesupplied fastener ring using a pair of pliersin the gap between the hinge grommet andthe center hinge. The number of fastenerrings you will need to insert depends onthe gap.NOTE: Four fastener rings are enclosedwith the refrigerator. Thickness of eachfastener ring is 0.04″.9DCLEVEL THE FREEZER DOORLocate the height adjuster in the freezerdoor. Slightly loosen the four Phillips-head screws from the door on each side(right and left).Loosen the controller screw with aPhillips-head screwdriver to adjust thelevel.10AB(Continued next page)