32Installation InstructionsINSTALL THE ANTI-TIP DEVICEMark the wall where the RIGHT EDGEof the range is to be located. Be sureto allow for the countertop overhangif you intend to install the range nextto cabinets.Locate the outside edge of the device21⁄8 ″ toward the center of the range fromthe marked edge of the range.Using the device as a template, mark theposition of the hole for the screw.CBA12WARNING —• Range must be secured with anapproved Anti-Tip device.• Unless properly installed, the range couldbe tipped by you or a child standing,sitting or leaning on an open door.• After installing the Anti-Tip device, verifythat it is in place by carefully attemptingto tilt the range forward.• This range has been designed to meet allrecognized industry tip standards for allnormal conditions.• The use of this device does not precludetipping of the range when not properlyinstalled.• If the Anti-Tip device supplied with therange does not fit this application, use theuniversal Anti-Tip device WB2X7909.Anti-TipdeviceSlotted headscrewApprox. 20°21⁄8″WallplateMarked edgeof rangeLEVEL THE RANGEFor proper cooking and baking, therange must be leveled. Leveling legs arelocated on each corner at the base of therange.Install the oven shelves (see use andcare section for instructions). Put aspirit level or a glass measuring cuppartially filled with water on one ofthe oven shelves.Turn the legs counterclockwise toraise the range and counterclockwiseto lower the range. Adjust theleveling legs until the range is level.After the range is level, slide therange away from the wall so that theAnti-Tip device can be installed.CBA11