9ge.comSafety Instructions Operating Instructions Care and Cleaning Installation Instructions Troubleshooting Tips Consumer SupportHow to Select Flame SizeWatch the flame, not the knob, as you reduceheat. The flame size on a gas burner shouldmatch the cookware you are using.For safe handling of cookware, never let theflame extend up the sides of the cookware.Any flame larger than the bottom of thecookware is wasted and only serves toheat the handle.Top of Range CookwareAluminum: Medium-weight cookware isrecommended because it heats quicklyand evenly. Most foods brown evenly inan aluminum skillet. Use saucepans withtight-fitting lids when cooking withminimum amounts of water.Cast-iron: If heated slowly, most skilletswill give satisfactory results.Enamelware: Under some conditions,the enamel of some cookware maymelt. Follow cookware manufacturer’srecommendations for cooking methods.Glass: There are 2 types of glasscookware—those for oven use onlyand those for top-of-range cooking(saucepans, coffee and teapots).Glass conducts heat very slowly.Heatproof Glass Ceramic: Can be usedfor either surface or oven cooking. Itconducts heat very slowly and cools veryslowly. Check cookware manufacturer’sdirections to be sure it can be used ongas ranges.Stainless Steel: This metal alone haspoor heating properties and is usuallycombined with copper, aluminumor other metals for improved heatdistribution. Combination metal skilletsusually work satisfactorily if they are usedwith medium heat as the manufacturerrecommends.Never let the flame extend up thesides of the cookware.