Chapter 10. OPC UA ServerGFK-2224Q January 2017 195Published Variables = 24Published Variables is a count of the controller application variables currently being published. In the example,the number is 24. Note that the Published Variables = 24, while Published Elements = 58. The difference is dueto one of the application variables being a 34 element array.OPC UA Server – GE Device InformationThe OPC UA server publishes controller specific information under the GE Device Information node.Figure 82: OPC UA Address Space – GE Device InformationThe tree structure allows you to drill down into both the Controller and Energy Pack nodes to get informationon these devices. The variables under these nodes are defined as followsVariable Name DescriptionCatalog Number Device Catalog NumberDate Code Device Date CodeFirmware Version Firmware Version installed on deviceHardware Version Hardware Version of the deviceSerial Number Device Serial NumberNote: If the controller does not have an Energy Pack installed, the values for these variables are NA.