REINSTALLING THE REFRIGERATOR DOORSReverse steps 1 through 4 to reinstall refrigerator doors,follow details below for critical alignments.A Reinstall center hinge first and torque the screws to 65in-lbs. With the LH door at 90º to the front of the case, lowerthe refrigerator door onto the center hinge. Ensure that thedoor and hinge align correctly.B Rotate doors closed and make sure moveable centersealing portion of the door aligns with the striker. If thedoor will not self-close after reinstalling, remove door, turndoor upside down, check alignment mark and arrow; (thereis an alignment mark on the door closure mechanism. Itcorresponds to an alignment arrow on the plastic ring.Rotate door closure mechanism to align mark and arrow,reinstall door).Securely tape the door shut with masking tape or have asecond person support the door. Reinstall the top hinge andtorque the screws to 65 in-lbs.C Be sure to reinstall the ground wire and strain relief to the tophinge.D Reinstall hinge cover. NOTE: Ensure wires are not pinched orunder screw bosses before tightening screws.REMOVE THE REFRIGERATOR DOORS (cont)Note: For proper installation later, please follow the next stepcarefully.F Remove the tape and keeping the door asstraight as possible, open the door to 90º then liftstraight up to remove it.REMOVE OPPOSITE DOORFollow the same procedure on the opposite door. Thereare no wires or water lines on the opposite side.4 REMOVE CENTER HINGE (if necessary)Remove the 3/8ļscrews securing the center hinge to thecabinet.Use T20 driver to remove outboard screw.28Installation Instructions5Removecenter screwLift up & offcenter hingeOpen Door to 90°Align flats with tab.Underside OFFresh Food DoorIf door cannot be installed at 90° follow steps below:1. Install door at 180° to case front.2. If space limits opening door to less than 180°, then:a) Remove door, carefully turn door upside down.b) Check alignment of door closure mechanism shafton underside of door. The flats on the shaft shouldcorrespond to alignment tab on plastic ring ormark on bottom end cap.c) If shaft is not aligned to tab/mark, using 5/32”Allen wrench, rotate door closure mechanismshaft counterclockwise for right door and clock-wise for left door. Then align flat with tab/mark.d) Install the door at 90°.Loosen outerscrewsINSTALLING THE REFRIGERATOR (cont.)