MEASURE CABINET OPENINGAVAILABLE VS. REFRIGERATOR WIDTHMeasure width of cabinet opening whererefrigerator will be placed, W.Be sure to account for any countertop overhang,baseboard thickness and any clearance desired.Width, W, should not be less than 36”. Therefrigerator will be placed approximately in themiddle of this opening.MATERIALS YOU MAY NEED (not included)TOOLS YOU WILL NEEDPencil1/8” (3 mm) Drill Bit andElectric or Hand DrillTape measure5/16” (8 mm) Nut DriverLag Bolts1/4” (6 mm) x 1-1/2” (38 mm)Anchor Sleeves1/2” (12 mm) ODFor Anti-Tip Bracket Mounted on CONCRETE Floors OnlyDrill Bit Appropriate for AnchorsAT-1BaseboardThickness orCountertopOverhang(Whichever IsLarger) PlusAny DesiredClearanceRear WallFront RH SideAT-2 LOCATING THE ANTI-TIP FLOORBRACKETPlace the anti-tip floor bracket locator template(included inside the anti-tip kit) onto the floorup against the rear wall, within W, and in linewith the desired location of the RH side of therefrigerator (see Figure 1).Place the anti-tip floor bracket onto the locatortemplate with its RH floor holes lined up withthe floor holes indicated on the template sheet,approximately 15 ¼” from the edge of the sheetor the RH side of the refrigerator.Hold down in position and use the anti-tip floorbracket as a template for marking the holesbased upon your configuration and type ofconstruction as shown in Step 3. Mark the holelocations with a pencil, nail or awl.NOTE:• It is REQUIRED to use at least 2 screws to mountthe floor bracket (one on each side of theanti-tip floor bracket). Both must be into eitherthe wall or the floor. Figure 2 indicates all theacceptable mounting configurations for screws.Identify the screw holes on the anti-tip floorbracket for your configuration.ABCWREFRIGERATORFigure 1 – Installation OverviewBase Bracketon theRefrigerator2 Wall HolesRH Side ofRefrigeratorFloor – Concrete(2 Holes)Floor – Wood(2 Holes)15 ¼”Locator TemplateSheetFloor Bracketto InstallRH HolesRear RHCorner ofCabinet WallNOTE:If you did not receive an anti-tip bracket with yourpurchase, call 1.800.626.8774 to receive one at nocost. (In Canada, call 1.800.561.3344.)For installation instructions of the bracket, Canada, Anti-Tip Floor BracketInstructionsWARNING Tip Over Hazard.Built-in style models (model PYE, CYE, GYE, DYE, PWE,CWE, and ZWE) are top heavy, especially with anydoors open. These models must be secured with theanti-tip floor bracket to prevent tipping forward, whichcould result in death or serious injury. Read and followthe entire installation instructions for installing theanti-tip floor bracket packed with your refrigerator.PYE, CYE, GYE, DYE, PWE,CWE, and ZWE Models Only