AutomaticfiuikCooking fiuik and DessertsHneapple Casserole is a tangydessert or meat accompaniment.In 12 X 8 x 2-in. dish, spread2 cans (20 oz. ea.) draind pineapplechunks, 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cupflour. Top with mixture of 2 cupsbuttery-flavored cracker crumbsand 1/2 cup melted butter. Coverwith wax paper and cook on AutoCook code 6.Baked Apples automatic cookwell using Auto Cook code 2.Match number of apples to size ofmicrowave-safe covered container.Use Auto Cook code 2 for bakedpears also.Stewed Fruit and Fruit Compotesshould be stirred well beforemicrowaving, especially if sugar isadded. Cover; use Auto Cook code2 and stir once or twice after ovensignals and time appears on display.Touch START and finish cooking.Desse* & BreamNut Topped Cakes are easy tocook automatically. Grease bottomand sides of microwave-safe flutedcake container and sprinkle bottomevenly with 1/3 cup chopped nutsor coconut. Carefully pour batterfrom one box (2-layer size) cakemix over nuts, cover with waxpaper. Microwave on Auto Cookcode 69. When oven signals, rotatedish 1/2 turn. Let stand 15 minutesbefore inverting to cool.Caramel Biscuit Ring: Spread1/4 cup melted butter and 1/2 cupbrown sugar in 8-in. round glassdish. Sprinkle with cinnamon and1/2 cup chopped nuts if desired.Arrange 1 can (10 oz. ) refrigeratedbiscuits around edges and placedrinking glass, open end up, incenter. Cover with plastic wrap.Microwave on Auto Cook code 3.Invert onto serving plate, lettingdish stand over ring a few minutesbefore removing.Q..-’’ ’-—”-. . .., /,... .,. ‘\,...—, --,.7 ‘j{;..< .:--””/.::.’.,, ,:.<’:,, ----.,&&<~~:y;:!:ti~Bacon and Cheese ToppedCornbread: Distribute 1/2 cupchopped crisp fried bacon and1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese ingreased 8-in. round glass dish.Carefully pour batter from 1 pkg.(8-1/2 oz.) cornbread mix over aboveingredients. Cover with wax paper.Microwave on Auto Cook code 3.Let stand 5 to 10 minutes beforeinverting.22