Ckmf?andThe door handles and trimcan becieanedwith a clothdampenedwitha solutionof mildliquiddishwashingdetergentand water. Dry with a softcloth. Don’twax handlesor trim.Keep the finish &m. Wipewitha clean cloth, lightlydampenedwith kitchen appliancewax or mildliquid dishwashingdetergent. Dryand polish with a clean, softcloth.Do not wipe the refrigeratorwith asoiled dishwashingcloth or wettowel.Thesewillleavea residuethatcan damage the paint. Do not usescouring pads, powderedcleaners,bleach or cleaners containingbleach because these products canscratch and weaken the paint finish.Protectthe paintfiih. The finishon the outside of the refrigerator isa high quality,baked-onpaintftish.With proper care, it will staynew-looking and rust-free for years.Apply a coat of kitchen/appliancewax when the refrigerator is new,and then at least twice a year.Appliance Polish Wax & Cleaner(Cat. No. WR97X0216)is availablefrom GE Appliance Parts Marts.(mm the inside ofthefresh foodand freezercwnpartmentsat leastonce a year. Unplugrefrigeratorbeforecleaning.If thisis notpractical,wring excessmoistureout of spongeor cloth when cleaningaroundswitches,lightsor controls.Use warm water and baking sodasolution—abouta tablespoonofbaking soda to a quart of water.This both cleans and neutralizesodors. Rinse thoroughlywith waterand wipe dry.Other parts of the refrigerator—includingdoor gaskets,meat andvegetabledrawers,Quick Storeunit,ice storagebin and all plasticparts—can be cleaned the same way.Donot use cleansing powdersor otherabrasive cleaners.To help prevent odors, leaveanopen box of baking soda in the rearof the refrigerator, on the top shelf.Change the box every three months.An open box of baking soda in thefreezer will absorb stale freezerodors.Do not wash any of yourrefrigerator%plastic parts inyour automatic dishwasher.Care shouldbe takenin movingyour refrigeratorawayfrom thewall. All types of floor coveringscan be damaged,particularlycushionedcoveringsand thosewith embossedsurfaces. Pull therefrigeratorstraightout and returnit to positionby pushingit straightin. Movingyour refrigeratorin aside direction may result in damageto yourfloorcoveringor refrigerator.For most efficientoperation, youneed to keep the condenser clean.Turn temperature control to OFF.Removethe base grille, if yourrefrigeratorhas one—seepage 4.Sweep awayor vacuumdust that isreadily accessibleon condensercoils, then turn the controlbackon. For best results, use a brushspecially designed for this purpose.It is availableat most applianceparts stores. This easy cleaningoperation shouldbe done at leastonce a year.