- usingthisB appliance,alwaysexercisebasicsafetyprecautions,inchding thefioliowing:~Usethis appliance only for itspurpose as described inthisUse and Care Book.@This refrigerator ml15tbeproperly in$tdk?d in accordancewith the InstallationInstructionsbeforeit is used. See groundinginstructionsbelowand on page4.* Never unplugyour refrigeratorby ~udhg 011 the ~OW’tX ICO&Alwaysgrip plug firmly and pulls~raightout from the outlet.~ Repakorreplacetim~ahIy allelectric servicecordsthat havebecome frayed or otherwisedamaged. Do not use a cord thatshowscracks or abrasion damagealong its length or at either the plugor connector end.* Do not Wwv children to climb,stand m hang on the shehes inthe r-efrigerator. They coulddamage the refrigerator andseriously injure themselves.~ After your refrigerator is inoperation, do nottouch the coldsurfaces,particularly when I’mMsare damp or wet. Skin may adhereto these extremely cold surfaces.@Ifyouwrefrigeratorhas anicemaker,do not place fingersor!imndsm the automaticikxmakingmechanism while the refrigeratoris pluggedin. This will help protectyou from possibleinjury.Mwill alsopreventinterferencewiththe movingparts of the ejector mechanism, orwith the heating elementthatreleases the cubes.@When movingyour refrigeratorawayfmm thewall,becarefkdnottorolloveror damagethe powercord.~ D4m9trefreezefrozenfoodsWhkhhave thawedconqdeteiy,TheUnited StatesDepartment ofAgriculture in Home and GardenBulletin No. 69 says:“.. .Youmay safely refreeze frozenfoodsthat have thawed if they stillcontain ice crystals or if they arestill cold—below40”F.“.. .Thawed ground meats, poultryor fish that have any off-odor oroff-colorshould not be refrozenandshould not be eaten. Thawed icecream should be discarded. If theodor or color of any food is poor orquestionable, get rid of it. The foodmay be dangerous to eat.“Even partial thawingand refreezingreduce the eating quality of foods,particularly fruits, vegetablesandpreparedfoods. The eating qualityof red meats is affectedless thanthat of many other foods. Userefrozenfoodsas soonas possibletosaveas much of their eating qualityas you can:’c=+H yourold refrigeratoris stil~aroundthe home but not in use?be sure to removethe doors. Thiswill reduce the possibilityofdangerto children. ~•€~ Unplug your refrigerator:A. Beforemakingany repairs.Note: We stronglyrecommendthat any servicingbe performedby a qualified individual.B. Beforecleaning.C. Beforereplacinga burned-outlightbulb, the refrigerator shouldbe unpluggedin order to avoidcontactwith alive wire filament.(A burned-out lightbulb maybreak when being replaced.)Note: Turning control to OFFposition does not remove powerto the light circuit.~ Do not q4xat@ ywr refrigeratorinthe presenceofexplosivefumes.Requirement—IMPORTANT..ePleaSeReadCarefUBlyeFor safety,this mwxbepqpd-y gmlmdd.The power cord of this applianceis equipped with a three-prong(grounding) plug which mates with;~standard three-prong (grollllding)~V:~]~oiltlet (Fig. 1)to minimize thePREFERREDMETHODFig. 1INSUREPROPERGROUNDEXISTSBEFOREUSEHave wall outlet and circuit checkedWhere a standard two-prong walloutlet is encountered, it is yourpersonal responsibility andobligation to have it replaced witha properly grounded three-prongwall outlet.Do NOT, ANYan’OR ‘HHHETmmWD(GROUND) IP’RONGIFE?ol?dTEE POWER ‘CQRDO. by a qualified electrician to makeimssibiiity &;lcc&-ic shock hazard,:-’~’:\fromti2isamliance. sure outlet is properly grounded.(continuednextpage}