Wwmkshelves(Onmodelssoequipped)Shelvesin the fresh foodand freezercompa~lmentsare adjustable,enablingyouto make efficientshelfarrangementsto fit yourMy’s fmdstomgeneeds. Steel shelvesin thefreezercompartmentin somemodelsare adjustablein the same way..——- To remove shelves: Tilt shelf up atfront, then lift it up and out of trackson rear wall of refrigerator.~~11To replace shelves: Select desiredshelf height. With shelf front raisedslightly, engagetop lugs in tracks atrear of cabinet. Then lower front ofshelf until it locks into position.(@k serve’”(on nmdds so equipped)Ilull IlillCooking-serving-storagedisheswith durable lids fit into a space-savingunder-the-shelfrack. Dishescan be removedfrom and returnedto the rack as needed, and the rack(and shelf to which it is attached)can be relocated anywhere in thefresh food compartment.Dishes and lids are safe for use inmicrowaveovens, refrigerators,freezers, and are dishwasher-safe.Quick Serve’”dishes only are safefor use in conventionalovensattemperatures up to 400°F.CAurml!i:~ Lids cam-lotwithstand the heatgenerated in mmntional ovens.@Dishes and lids are not designedfor range top cooking or broileruse. Such use am be hazardous.Tempered glass shelves (on modelsso equipped) are adjustable in thesame manrier.7ml theDWM’$(on modelsso equipped)AdjustablePorta-13inson fresh fbodand freezer compartmentdoors caneasilybe carriedfromthe refrigeratorto the work area.1IITo remove: Lift Porta-Bin straightup until mounting hooks disengage.To rehate: Selectdesired shelfheight, engage Porta-Bin’shooks inslots on the tracks of the door, andpush in and down. Porta-Bin willhook in place.(on models so equipped)SnUggerSare designed to giveyoustorage flexibility in Porta-’5insandon your fresh food door shelves.Items such as salad dressings, steaksauces and other condiments cannow be kept securely against thedoor liner to help prevent tipping,spilling or sliding.o--D- e@sssR’111*Wis’ kPlace index finger and middle—.