“@3%%A lightbulband socketare locatedatthetopofthefreshfbodcompartmentoppositethe temperature controlpanel. Toreplace the bulb, unplugrefrigeratorfrom its electricaloutlet,unscrewbulb when cool, andreplace with similar size bulb.when ymli goonFor’Wm-Mk?dvacationsorabsences, removefood and shutoff powerto refrigerator.Clean theinterior with a baking soda solutionof one tablespoonof baking soda toone quart of water. Wipedry. Topreventodors, leaveopen box ofbaking soda in refrigerator.Leavedoors open.For shorter vacations,removeperishable foods and leavecontrolsat regular settings.However,ifroom temperature is expectedtodrop below 60”F., followsameins&uctionsas for extendedvacations.H’your refrigeratorhas anicemalmr,movethe icemakerfeeler arm to the OFF (up) positionand be sure to shut off the watersupply to the refrigerator.whim youmoveDisconnectthe powercord fromthe wail outlet, removeall food andclean and dry the interior.Secureall I!ooseitems such asshelvesand storagepans by tapingthem securely in place to preventdamage.Be sure refrigeratorstaysin uprightpositionduring actual movingaridin van. Refrigeratormustbe securedin vanto preventmovement.Protectoutsideof refrigeratorwith blanket.