CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION TICS CONFORMANCE STATEMENTUR SERIES – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 3-14133.8 TICS conformance statementA Technical Issue Implementation Conformance Statement (TICS) is required under IEC 61850.This section provides a template for the TICS. According to the UCA International Users Group (UCAIug) Quality AssuranceProgram (QAP), the TICS is a required conformance test and is referenced on the certificate. This section applies to URs withfirmware versions 7.30 and later.The tables outline applicable mandatory technical issues (Tissues).Y — The server has implemented the Tissueni — No impact on testingna — Not applicable if the server does not support the corresponding ACSI service(s)Tissues 675, 735, 772, 775, 776, and 878 are not relevant for conformance testing.Notes follow the tables.Table 3-130: Part 6 TissuesTable 3-131: Part 7 TissuesPart 6 Tissue Description Implemented by server?658 Tracking related features na663 FCDA element cannot be a "functionally constrained logical node" Y668 Autotransformer modeling Y719 ConfDataSet - maxAttributes definition is confusing Y721 Log element name na768 bType VisString65 is missing na779 object references Y788 SICS S56 from optional to mandatory na789 ConfLdName as services applies to both server and client(supportsLdname)Y804 valKind and IED versus System configuration (valimport) na806 Max length of log name inconsistent between -6 and -7-2 na807 Need a way to indicate if "Owner" present in RCB Y822 Extension of IED capabilities Y823 ValKind for structured data attributes na824 Short addresses on structured data attributes na825 Floating point value Y845 SGCB ResvTms Y853 SBO and ProtNs Y855 Recursive SubFunction na856 VoltageLevel frequency and phases ni857 Function/SubFunction for ConductingEquipment na886 Missing 8-1 P-types na901 tServices as AP or as IED element Y936 SupSubscription parameter usage is difficult Y1175 IPv6 address lowercase only naPart 7 Tissue Description Implemented by server?Part 7-1828 Data model namespace revision IEC 61850-7-4:2007[A] Y