CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION G2 IMPLEMENTATION MODEL FOR GOOSE CONFIGURATION VIA SCLUR SERIES – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 3-1653Figure 3-14: SCL file flow using IED setup tool3.10.4 IED Capability Description (ICD) fileThe ICD file contains one SCL element. The SCL element contains one Header element, one Communication element, andone IED element. HeaderThe Header element contains an id element attribute that has the make and model of the applicable IED. OutputsThe ICD file describes an information model compliant with the standards that models all values that the IED is able topublish via GOOSE. These values are modeled within the so-called Public elements, that is, elements other than Privateelements.The values subject to these requirements include local (that is, non-standard or native) outputs that the IED is able topublish using means not defined in the standards. For example, if an IED can use non-standard means to map a localoutput to GGIO1.Ind1.stVal and then publish GGIO1.Ind1.stVal in a GOOSE message, then compliance to thisimplementation model requires that the local output be included as a named logical node output in the ICD file. This isrequired even though when the local output is published, the dataset member is GGIO1.Ind1.stVal rather than the localoutput. When a CID file is received that requires such a local output to be published, the IED allocates and configures thelocal resources as necessary to include the value of the local output in the GOOSE message.ConfiguratorICD IIDIEDSCDCIDtemp-latesSystemspecIED Setup tool859733A1.vsd