GE Multilin L60 Line Phase Comparison System 3-273 HARDWARE 3.2 WIRING33.2.9 IRIG-BIRIG-B is a standard time code format that allows stamping of events to be synchronized among connected devices within1 millisecond. The IRIG time code formats are serial, width-modulated codes which can be either DC level shifted or ampli-tude modulated (AM). Third party equipment is available for generating the IRIG-B signal; this equipment may use a GPSsatellite system to obtain the time reference so that devices at different geographic locations can also be synchronized.Figure 3–26: IRIG-B CONNECTIONThe IRIG-B repeater provides an amplified DC-shift IRIG-B signal to other equipment. By using one IRIG-B serial connec-tion, several UR-series relays can be synchronized. The IRIG-B repeater has a bypass function to maintain the time signaleven when a relay in the series is powered down.Figure 3–27: IRIG-B REPEATERUsing an amplitude modulated receiver will cause errors up to 1 ms in event time-stamping.RELAYBNC (IN)RECEIVERRG58/59 COAXIAL CABLEGPS SATELLITE SYSTEMGPS CONNECTIONOPTIONALIRIG-B(-)4A+-827756A5.CDRIRIG-BTIME CODEGENERATOR(DC SHIFT ORAMPLITUDE MODULATEDSIGNAL CAN BE USED)4B IRIG-B(+)BNC (OUT) REPEATERTO OTHER DEVICES(DC-SHIFT ONLY)NOTE