2WatchBot H ome S ecurity Camera - U ser G uideContentsSECTION PAGEIntroduction and Safety 4Product Overview and Basic Features 5Camera Diagram 61 Quick Setup Guide and Operation 71.1 The WatchBot camera 71.2 Connect Camera and Components 81.3 Install the WatchBot Camera Tool software 81.4 Run the WatchBot Camera Tool software 91.5 Setting up your camera on your Local Area Network (LAN) 91.5.1 Important information about Microsoft ActiveX Controls 101.6 Operator Controls - Basic Camera Operation 111.6.1 Pan/Tilt (P/T) Controls 111.6.2 Patrol 111.6.3 I/O Switch On/Off 111.6.4 Flipping the feed image 111.6.5 Pre-Positioning Buttons 121.6.6 Screen Resolution/Mode 121.6.7 Brightness and Contrast 121.6.8 Default Settings 121.7 Visitor Controls - Recording Video and Audio 121.7.1 Multi-View 131.7.2 Add Timestamp 131.7.3 On-Screen Display (OSD) 131.7.4 Audio Buffer 131.7.5 Live feed On/Off and Snapshot 131.7.6 Recording Video and Audio 131.7.7 Motion Sensor, Alarm and Email Alert 132 Setting up your camera for access via the Internet 142.1 Setting up Network Settings 142.1.1 Administrator | Basic Network Settings 142.1.2 Administrator | UPnP Settings 142.2 Visit the web page assigned to your camera 153 Advanced Setup Guide 163.1 Administrator Settings 163.1.1 Device Info 163.1.2 Alias Settings 163.1.3 Date and Time Settings 173.1.4 User Settings 173.1.5 Multi-Device Settings 183.1.6 Basic Network Settings 19