27WatchBot H ome S ecurity Camera - U ser G uide4 Using other browsers on your PC, Mac orTablet to access camera Web Interface.To experience the full feature-set of your WatchBot camera, please use Microsoft InternetExplorer. Other browsers (eg. Firefox, Chrome, Safari) can be used, but possess a limitedfeature set.4.1 Logging in using Firefox, Chrome or Safari on your PC,Mac or TabletLogin with your Username and Password as shown, then click ‘Sign-In’ under the ‘Server PushMode (For FireFox, Safari Browser)’ heading.4.1.1 The Web InterfaceThere are now only three headings on the right. Click ‘Live Video’ to access the cameracontrols and Live Video Viewing, and ‘Device Management’ for Administrator Settings.Access to all camera Pan/Tilt and Live Video Viewing remain unaffected, however thefollowing functions are unavailable when not using Microsoft Internet Explorer:• Recording of Live Video Stream and Audio• Two-Way Audio interaction with the camera’s environment• On Screen Display (OSD)• Audio Buffering• MSN Messenger functions