Part # 4523104 Rev 3 (03/04/10)Page 144 Use a wire brush to clean the ports of the burners Igniteand check for clogged holes5 If any clogged holes are apparent, the burner should belifted out and brushed inside and out with a small Venturibrush Each port on the burner itself should be cleanedwith a properly sized wire or thumb drill Wash with soapand hot water if grease is observed on the burners Drythoroughly6 When reinstalling the open top burner head be sure theburner ports are lined up correctly to the pilot On thecast burner head there is a raised indicator to ensure theburner is installed correctlyRAISED INDICATOR PILOT7 If an abnormal flame appears around the edges, it isusually a sign of grease dirt in the throat of the burnerRemove the burner venturi (main body that the burnerheads sit on) to access the air shutter opening Removegrease and dirt from the air shutter area carefully Donot adjust the shutter setting The air shutter allows theproper amount of air to mix with the flow of gas comingin from your valve/thermostat orifice and should not beadjusted unless by a licensed gas fitter technicianCast Iron Top & GratesCast iron top and grate(s) can be cleaned with mild soapand warm water For baked on material, a wire brush can beused Dry thoroughly Lightly coat with vegetable oil to helpprevent rust from formingHot TopsWhile the surface is still slightly warm, wipe down with aclean burlap cloth Burnt on spillage should be scraped off Ifnecessary, remove the plate and wash in a sink with soap andhot water Dry thoroughly In damp climates, wipe down witha light coating of oil to prevent rusting Avoid excessive useof water as this could damage the surface and the controlsbelowNOTE: Steel griddle and hot top surface will “tone” (blue/brown discoloration) from heat This toning will not diminishfunction or operation and is not a defectGriddleTo produce evenly cooked, browned griddle products, keepgriddle free from carbonized grease Carbonized grease onthe surface hinders the transfer of heat from the griddlesurface to food product This results in uneven browningand loss of cooking efficiency, and worst of all, carbonizedgrease tends to cling to grilled foods, giving them a highlyunsatisfactory and unappetizing appearance To keep thegriddle clean and operating at peak performance, followthese simple instructions:A AFTER EACH USE clean griddle thoroughly with a grillscraper or spatula Wipe off any excess debris left fromcooking processB ONCE A DAY clean griddle surface with a grill brick andgrill pad Remove grease container and clean thoroughly,in the same manner as any ordinary cooking utensilC ONCE A WEEK clean griddle surface thoroughly Ifnecessary, use a grill stone or grill pad over the griddlesurface Rub with grain of the metal while still warmA detergent may be used on the plate surface to helpclean it, but care must be taken to be sure it is thoroughlyremoved After removal of detergent, the surface of theplate should be covered with a thin film of oil to preventrusting To remove discolorations, use a non-abrasivecleaner Before re-using, the griddle must be reseasonedKeep griddle drain tube to grease container clear at alltimesCAUTION This griddle plate is steel, but the surface isrelatively soft and can be scored or dented by careless use ofspatulaBe careful not to dent, scratch, or gouge the plate surfaceThis will cause food to stick in those areas Also, note, sincethis is a steel griddle if a light coating of oil is not alwayspresent rust will develop on exposed and uncoated areasMAINTENANCE AND CLEANING Continued